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Programme Modules and Delivery

Help to Grow: Management covers 12 modules with varying modes of delivery through workshops and webinars. 

The programme runs for a total of 12 weeks. Most of the modules will take place online via webinar and if Covid-19 restrictions allow, workshop case studies will take place face-to-face* (at Northumbria University - further details to follow). To view a list of the planned delivery dates of each module, per cohort, click here.


Module Title

 Mode of Delivery

 1  Strategy & Innovation  Webinar and virtual peer group session
 2  Digital Adoption  Webinar and virtual peer group session
 3  Internationalisation - Case Study  Face-to-face*
 4  Vision Mission & Values  Webinar and virtual peer group session
 5  Developing a Market Strategy  Webinar and virtual peer group session
 6  Building a Brand - Case Study  Face-to-face*
 7  Organisational Design  Webinar and virtual peer group session
 8  Employee Engagement and Leading Change  Webinar and virtual peer group session
 9  High-Performance Workplace - Case Study  Face-to-face*
 10  Efficient Operations  Webinar and virtual peer group session
 11  Finance and Finance Management  Webinar and virtual peer group session
 12  Implementing Growth Plans - Case Study  Face-to-face

*Disclaimer: All information is accurate at the time of sharing. We continue to monitor government and local authority guidance in relation to Covid-19 and we are ready and able to flex accordingly to ensure the health and safety of our students and staff. Contact time is subject to increase or decrease in line with additional restrictions imposed by the government or the University in the interest of maintaining the health and safety and wellbeing of students, staff, and visitors, potentially to a full online offer, should further restrictions be deemed necessary in future.

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