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Alice Gallagher

Hi, I’m Alice. I’m a 1st Year English Language student from Teesside. Not only was Northumbria a great distance from home for me, but it also offered a course that I felt no other Unis could provide. My course spans the entire spectrum of English Language and is truly fascinating - I feel so lucky to have the opportunity to learn all of this in such a fantastic Uni.

Since being here, I’ve definitely discovered my favourite places. Habita has to be one of them - it’s perfect for cheap, tasty food and drinks with mates after Uni and has such a cool vibe. Of course, the huge library is another one of my favourite places. It’s so spacious and complete with anything I could ever need while studying. I especially love going there at night when it’s super quiet and peaceful.

Since I took a gap year, I have found my love for nature walks. I’ve walked around many of the best places around the North East including the North Yorkshire Moors, Roseberry Topping and Castle Eden Dene. Now that I’m living in Newcastle, I’m always looking for tranquil places to escape to when I take breaks from studying. So far, my favourite is definitely Jesmond Dene.

Other things I love: cats, tea, cereal, cats, and did I mention, cats? Yup, that’s right - I’m a real life crazy-cat-lady but, don’t worry, I do have a soft spot for dogs too. It might also be worth mentioning that, at all costs, I must be kept away from house plant shops. When my houseplant family reached 25 members, that’s when this (self-diagnosed) crazy-plant-lady decided she needed a ‘plant ban’.

Nevertheless, I still show hope for being ‘cool’. My love for content creating comes from a long line of creative people in my family. My Grandma taught me to sew and bake; my Mum taught me to cook; my Dad taught me to draw; and my Sister taught me how to have argue. My creativity has been poured into my blog for around 6 years now where I write and photograph all my own content. My gap year gave me time to work on my blog even more and I had the amazing chance to work with companies such as The Body Shop, Panasonic, Pocket, Living North, and many more.

I can’t wait to turn my creativity into content about my life at Uni for all you guys to see! See you round!

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