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Where are you from?

I’m from Durham originally, but have only returned properly in the last couple of years apart from a stint at Newcastle University a few years ago after spending 12 years in London and Edinburgh. It’s been great rediscovering the North East.

What do you study?

Cultural and Creative Industries Management

Favourite film?

I have so many. I love old movies and I’m a massive Alfred Hitchcock fan, my favourite being Rear Window and Vertigo. I also like a lot of Sci-fi and Fantasy, like Pans Labyrinth and the Alien movies.  Also, a big Pedro Almodovar fan, my favourite of his being All About my Mother.

Favourite TV show?

Predictable, but Game of Thrones. Its epic in every sense and brilliantly written. The Handmaids Tale was also one of the best things I’ve seen in years, so can’t wait for the second series.

Favourite book?

The God of Small Things, but Arundhati Roy. Beautiful prose and wonderfully developed characters. It’s the only book I’ve read twice.

Why did you choose Northumbria?

A few of my friends had attended over the years and they had all recommended it. I wanted to study something in the cultural sector but was unsure of specifics. When I read the course description it ticked ever box.

Why did you become a Hubstar?

Because I’m quite creative, I love photography and design and absorbing culture, so I was naturally drawn to it. My course is less creative than what I have previously studied, despite being focused on the creative industries, so being a DCC compliments it as it is a more creative outlet.

What advice would you give somebody reading this article?

I suppose I'm a mature student now (eek) who had a successful career in another industry before, but really wanted to pursue something I am passionate about. Despite initial reservations, I don’t regret it for a second, so I guess my advice is follow your passions.


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