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Ben Clarke

About me

I’m 19 and a first year Graphic Design student. I knew from a young age that I wanted a creative career, from Lego and junk modelling to drawing and creating my own animations but studying Graphic Design at GCSE had me hooked! And despite a range of interesting A Levels I knew this was my future. What intrigues me most about design is that there is no right or wrong, it’s always around us; a constant flow of subtle but memorable ideas that influence the way we think and act.


I've been pushing my design work since the age of 14. It started for fun (and still is), tackling mock creative briefs and publicly posting my responses (check out @bnclarke_ for my design work!). 

As a result of this gradual exposure, I have been paid to create marketing material and re-branded companies throughout numerous projects.

Since finishing my Art and Design Foundation year at Loughborough University, my passion to pursue a creative career has grown. I want to develop skills that go beyond just idea generation or machine operation, towards a conscientious creativity: appreciating the context, methods and impacts of my work. I am looking forward to immersing myself in my degree here at Northumbria.

I like to think I have a social conscience; a sense of responsibility for the problems in society. I try to channel this through my approach to work; I want to stimulate thought in others, effect change and make a difference to people. I think this is why for me being a ‘Graphic Designer’ is so much more than a job.

My biggest fear I think, is losing track with what’s new and current; being stuck in a mundane job, ticking over until retirement. So, even though some may say my career is yet to start, I’ve begun to look further at what I can do to constantly change, develop and push myself, whether that be the societies I have joined or projects I involve myself in here at Uni, the conversations I have with friends or the videos and talks I watch on YouTube. I'm an avid watcher of VOX, currently I’m loving their ‘Borders’ series. I’m also a sucker for a BBC short series and of course, ‘Black Mirror’.  Currently I’m reading 'Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence' by Max Tegmark which has opened a whole new perspective on life for me. The future fascinates me and I’m driven by new experiences: there’s always more to learn, understand, and create.

My favourite quote:

“If you want something you've never had, you've got to do something you've never done." - Thomas Jefferson

Why Newcastle?

Coming from the landlocked town of Loughborough (pronounced “LUF-BRA”) I knew I wanted to move away to somewhere bigger, somewhere I could explore and call my own. I fell in love with Newcastle, it has everything I need and I can easily cross the city in less than 30 minutes, although my lanky legs help a lot! I like to think of it as the more compact London of the North! Also, being just a Metro ride away from the coast is fantastic, you’re never too far from some fish and chips but what I love most about Newcastle is how friendly the locals are!

I’ve only been here a month and have visited 9/32 of the Greggs (impressive I know) although I’ve visited the one open till 4am a few more times than the others, what can I say not much beats a Steak Bake after a night out!

Other than being a bit of a Graphics nerd and a Greggs lover, I also love to help others and since coming to University I’ve joined lots of the volunteering societies, one of which is Project ICE (IT Classes for the Elderly). It’s challenging but very rewarding; I’ve met people I never would have expected to mix with!

I also, enjoy cycling and used to regularly ride at the velodrome in Derby. I love travelling and seeing new places I’m looking forward to exploring further what Newcastle has to offer, and sharing my experiences with you. But if I book any last minute trips I’ll be sure to bring you along with me.

If you ever see me out and about don’t be afraid to stop me for a chat, I’m a BFG at heart.

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REVEAL: Animation
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