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Hey there! My name is Jae and I’m currently a post-graduate student reading Law. Malaysia is the place I call home but in the past three years, Newcastle has found its place close to the heart. The reason why I chose Northumbria is because of the people I knew who studied there. I heard positive points about this university which piqued my interest to find out more about it. So, I did my own research and was convinced the Law course was there to equip me with the right skills and knowledge, in addition to a coffee addiction, for the advancement of my career.

The role as a digital content creator at the Hub was interesting to me in many ways. The main reasons why can be condensed into three different characteristics that I possess. Firstly, as someone with an interest in photography, I consider myself to be in my element whenever I am equipped with a DSLR, discovering a new environment. This 8-year-old interest has brought me into situations where I am able to convey stories of love in a wedding, a good night amongst friends at the bar and even that triumphant moment we experience in award ceremonies.

As aspiring storyteller, it is my aim is to share my experiences, my thoughts and everything in between on a personal level. With the use of the different mediums such as videos, photographs and online articles, I hope to use these methods to breathe life into stories that I’d like to share with all of you.

Finally, as a student of three years here in Northumbria, there has been many understated moments, subtle lessons and practical tips I wished I was more aware of during the eager days as a starry-eyed fresher. Fast forward to two years later, I have assimilated well into this environment and have stored a plethora of mental notes that I believe would be useful to any new student around. This includes the experiences that I have taken away from living in student halls, exploring the eclectic city that is Newcastle Upon Tyne and simply participating in the wide-ranging activities held by the student body in Northumbria.

Want to know more about these lessons and tips that I speak of? Watch this space on the Hub to find out! 

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