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Hi everybody!

I am a 23 years young European postgraduate student at Northumbria and I come from Rome. After my graduation in economics at Sapienza University of Rome, I took a 45 days long solo trip through the United States and then spent, during the summer period, almost five months undertaking a digital marketing internship in a m-Health start-up in Bangalore, India.

Beyond getting some work experience done and improving my skills, India shaped my cultural awareness profoundly. Living for the very first time in a developing society challenged me pretty much from every aspect, but working in one of the two world’s most rapidly emerging countries is what really made this experience unique.

Although both these experiences delayed my postgraduate approach, they gave me the right amount of time to figure out the proper university.

I believed I scrolled down through over 150 university websites and no campus I saw on the Internet felt to be as close to students’ needs as the Northumbria one did. I was keen in shaping my future in an environment where students matter and this is what growing in Northumbria feels like, what you do matter.

What I’m studying is Business with Management, which is quite a demanding course I have to say but it’s allowing me to meet the best people. Rather than being all and about lectures, my classmates and I enjoy several extra activities like business simulations or weekend away trips that not only strengthen our bonds but also contribute to make the learning dynamic and somewhat fun!

Also, being an athlete myself, I couldn’t ask for better than joining the rugby team here at Northumbria. I play in the social division, which is not agonistic but definitely much more about socials, in fact, and parties of different kind.

It’s great to spend time with people you share interests with but above all it’s holy, as far as I believe, to take a break of at least one hour every day and get some good training done. Hence you can find me in Sport Central every afternoon, unless it’s pitch training day :)

I can’t wait to see what fate has in store for me here at Northumbria. In the meanwhile, I’ll be working hard, training harder, and enjoying my nights out!

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