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Smrithi - ResizedHi, I am Smrithi - a wandering gypsy, visual artist and aspiring graphic designer.

I am a twenty-year-old from India, currently pursuing B.A (Hons) in Graphic Design at Northumbria University, while trying to make a difference in the world.

Where can you find me?

Image 2 - ResizedLike I said earlier I am a gypsy, so when I am not attending lectures I am busy wandering around Newcastle and clicking pictures of pretty streets.

I love...

Bright colours, reading, writing, photography, dancing, travelling and doodling.

I believe in miracles and the night sky is my inner peace in times of turmoil.

If I were a moodboard...

 Moodboard - Resized






Why I picked Northumbria University?

It was one of the partner universities of my university back in India that offered the opportunity to do two years abroad and graduate from here with a BA (Hons) in Graphic Design. It also offers a specialisation in Branding which was what I was looking for.

Besides a senior told me about the amazing resources they have in the Graphic design department which help give wings to a developing designer’s ideas.

 The fact that the design course in Northumbria University is ranked the third best in the U.K and that Newcastle had been voted the best student city also played a crucial role in tipping the decision scale.


Image 3 -resized (1)My #1 Tip for acing everything at uni...

Get organised!

There is no two ways to it. I learnt it the hard way around when I arrived for a lecture without my student ID and I could not enter.

Buy a big tote in which all your essentials fit in so that you don’t have to unpack and repack every day.

My everyday walk of doubt...



My favourite thing about Northumbria University...

For a bookworm like me, it is an easy guess! It’s the Uni Library. The multi-storey building filled with books on every aspect of design and other subjects and the whiff of old books in the air brings out the best creative self in me.

It’s open 24/7 and has printing facilities as well. Besides, if you feel hungry you can grab a quick snack at the Kiosk within the library. 


Why I chose to write for you as a Hubstar?

I remember the summer before I arrived at university. I was extremely curious about everything Northumbria and Newcastle had to offer in terms of lifestyle, food options, courses, books, sports facilities, societies and more. The Hub was my only insight into a student’s life at Northumbria. The articles gave me confidence and helped me curb my pre-university jitters to a great extent.

Thus I strongly feel that I should return the favour and help prospective students keep their calm while giving them useful insights and glimpses of what University will be like if they join Northumbria in the coming years.

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