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Dr Xuewu Dai

Assistant Professor

Department: Mathematics, Physics and Electrical Engineering

Xuewu -DaiI joined Northumbria University in 2013 after holding two Research Associate positions at University of Oxford (2011-2013) and at University College London (2009-2011), respectively.  For over 10 years, I have worked as an academic researcher and engineer in advanced signal processing and its applications in control systems and wireless communications.

I received an MEng in Communication Engineering and BSc in Computer Science from Southwest University, China, in 1999 and 2003, respectively, and a PhD degree studying dynamic modelling and observer-based condition monitoring in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the University of Manchester, UK in 2008. Prior to the lecturer position at Northumbria, I worked as a post-doctoral researcher from 2011 to 2013 at the Department of Engineering Science University of Oxford, where I developed the signal processing system for the non-contact optical sensor for wastewater and environment monitoring with industrial partners. Due to my contribution to this project, I was awarded the Early Career Research Prize by SWIG UK. From 2009 to 2011, I was a Research Associate at Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University College London (UCL), working as part of the TSB/EPSRC project on "Wireless Data Acquisition in Gas Turbine Engine Testing (WIDAGATE)". I joined the School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Southwest University as a Lecturer Assistant in 2002. During 1999-2000, I worked as a volunteer of education aid group under the China Youth Volunteers Poverty Alleviation Project and taught pupils at Qinghai, China.

He has edited 1 book and published 2 book chapters and over 30 papers in refereed journals and conference proceedings.

Campus Address

Ellison Building

  • Please visit the Pure Research Information Portal for further information
  • Robust Synchronized Data Acquisition for Biometric Authentication, Zong, Y., Liu, S., Liu, X., Gao, S., Dai, X., Gao, Z. 1 Dec 2022, In: IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
  • A low cost UV-IR dual wavelength optical sensor with Chirp modulation for in-situ chemical oxygen demand measurements, Zhang, Z., Dai, X., Shan, G., Li, G., Li, X., Liu, X., Qin, F. 1 Sep 2022, In: Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical
  • Robust Time Synchronisation for Industrial Internet of Things by H∞ Output Feedback Control, Zong, Y., Dai, X., Wei, Z., Zou, M., Guo, W., Gao, Z. 1 Feb 2023, In: IEEE Internet of Things Journal
  • TACAN: the Shaping of Delay Distribution under Multi-path Fading Channel for Industrial IoT Systems, Liu, F., Dai, X., Jin, M., Zhang, W., Yang, Y., Qin, F. 1 Sep 2022, In: IEEE Internet of Things Journal
  • Proportional-Integral Synchronisation for Non-identical Wireless Packet-Coupled Oscillators with Delays, Zong, Y., Dai, X., Gao, Z. 1 Nov 2021, In: IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
  • Independent Review of the 2021 CDP submission based on SCATTER by Newcastle City Council, Kotter, R., Dai, X., Heidrich, O., Chu, S. 28 Jul 2021
  • Final report - Oslo Operational Pilot: Vulkan Car Parking, Oslo, Norway, Dai, X., Kotter, R., Putrus, G., Wang, Y., Das, R., Bentley, E., Marzband, M., Van der Hoogt, J. 29 Jul 2020
  • Nondata-Aided Rician Parameters Estimation with Redundant GMM for Adaptive Modulation in Industrial Fading Channel, Lu, G., Dai, X., Zhang, W., Yang, Y., Qin, F. 1 Apr 2022, In: IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics

  • PhD December 17 2008
  • Fellow (FHEA) Higher Education Academy (HEA) 2015
  • Information not provided Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers (IEEE) 2010

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