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Hello everyone! My name is Oscar, I am coming from the south-east part of Spain, from a small city called Almeria, and I am enrolled in a Postgraduate degree in International Finance Management.

Why did you change the warm of South Spain for the cold of Newcastle?

I had it very clear that I wanted to study a master degree abroad, not only for personal growth experience and memories, but also for being constantly learning from a different culture and people with different backgrounds. Also, I believe that to live and experience such a big change will make you value more what you have in life.

Why Northumbria University?

As a student-athlete, Northumbria has everything you could ask for. Great facilities to work out, practice and staff that look after you, good master program for specialising yourself in the field wanted, beautiful library with plenty of resources to support your projects, and great atmosphere in campus. Also the fact of having everything nearby is a big plus, living 15 minutes far from campus make life much easier.

How did you hear about Northumbria?

I was playing the European Games for Universities in Croatia back in 2015 and Northumbria was at the competition as well. I remember we were watching quarter finals when one of the guys from Northumbria was spreading some flyers with information about the university, programs and scholarships, I thought it could be a great opportunity for me to continue to develop myself and therefore I applied.

Hobbies and things you like to do in your free time here in Newcastle

Travelling is one of my biggest passions, so as soon as I have some spare time I love to get in the motorbike and go for a ride outside the city. This area is plenty of beautiful places, Tynemouth, Blyth, Whitle Bay and Newton by the Sea are a must visit, but I am looking forward to discover Northumberland National Park and North Pennines. Also, messing around with my teammates here in the city is super fun, big time always with them. 

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