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Callum -in -pageName?

Callum Stevens

Where are you from?

Warrington (in-between Manchester and Liverpool).

What do you study?

MSc Digital Marketing

Favourite film?

Lord of the Rings Return of the King

Favourite TV show?

Game of Thrones

Favourite book?

A Song of Ice and Fire or A Series of Unfortunate Events

Favourite video game?

Final Fantasy 7

Why did you choose Northumbria?

I chose to study at Northumbria because I loved the offering as an entire package. The course was new and I wanted an up-to-date experience being in the field of digital marketing. Having worked for the NHS as a Marketing and Communications Officer, I wanted to guarantee that my learning wouldn't move me sideways but would move me forwards and the staff, facilities and course content gave me the feeling that I would move forwards with my career. I also really liked the idea of moving to the city of Newcastle that has so much to offer. Everything you need is within a short walk and I could also apply to live in a halls of residence, which was a huge bonus having studied for my undergraduate degree elsewhere and not knowing anybody up here.

Why did you become a Digital Content Creator?

Firstly, I wanted to continually develop my skills in a working environment. I also wanted to learn from the other students who would be working closely with me. I knew they would have different skills and knowledge that they could share and help me learn new methods of creating exciting content.

Secondly, it's a fantastic opportunity to show potential students the massive benefits you experience when studying at postgraduate level. For me, the decision to quit my job and move 160 miles away was huge but it's one of the best and most rewarding decisions I've made. To share that insight and passion with people who aren't sure about postgraduate study is a real honour.

What advice would you give somebody reading this article?

I would say to aim high, travel, study to the highest level you can and always believe that any obstacle can be overcome with the right attitude and the right support.

'Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.' - Bruce Lee.

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