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Dr Victor Zevallos

Assistant Professor

Department: Applied Sciences

Victor F. Zevallos received his PhD degree at King’s College London, UK and worked in the laboratory of Gastroenterology at the Rayne Institute. Then, he continued his postdoctoral training at the Institute of Translational Immunology at the Universitätsmedizin Mainz (Germany); Research Institute of Pharmacy at the University of Groningen (The Netherlands) and at the Farncombe Family Digestive Health Research Institute at McMaster University (Canada). He was then appointed Lecturer in Health Sciences at St Mary’s University (London) and he is currently Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Applied Sciences at Northumbria University Newcastle.

He has been primarily interested in the immunological effects of diet and exercise on health and disease. His research focuses on coeliac disease, non-coeliac wheat sensitivity, intestinal inflammation, allergies and food sensitivities, where basic and translational efforts are directed to improve the quality of life of patients, find therapeutic alternatives to the gluten-free diet, develop suitable pre-clinical models and perform clinical nutritional trials to elucidate novel immune mechanisms of plant proteins.

Victor is member of Nutrition Society UK, Coeliac UK, British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology (BSACI) and the American Gastroenterological Association (AGA). He has received awards from academic and governmental organizations in the UK, USA and Germany.

Victor Zevallos

  • Please visit the Pure Research Information Portal for further information
  • Dietary wheat amylase trypsin inhibitors exacerbate CNS inflammation in experimental multiple sclerosis, Zevallos, V., Yogev, N., Hauptmann, J., Nikolaev, A., Pickert, G., Heib, V., Fittler, N., Steven, S., Luessi, F., Neerukonda, M., Janoschka, C., Tobinski, A., Klotz, L., Waisman, A., Schuppan, D. 1 Jan 2024, In: Gut
  • Do ancient wheats contain less gluten than modern bread wheat, in favour of better health?, Brouns, F., Geisslitz, S., Guzman, C., Ikeda, T., Arzani, A., Latella, G., Simsek, S., Colomba, M., Gregorini, A., Zevallos, V., Lullien‐Pellerin, V., Jonkers, D., Shewry, P. 1 Jun 2022, In: Nutrition Bulletin
  • Wheat amylase/trypsin inhibitors (ATIs): occurrence, function and health aspects, Geisslitz, S., Weegels, P., Shewry, P., Zevallos, V., Masci, S., Sorrells, M., Gregorini, A., Colomba, M., Jonkers, D., Huang, X., De Giorgio, R., Caio, G., D’Amico, S., Larré, C., Brouns, F. 1 Sep 2022, In: European Journal of Nutrition
  • Wheat ATIs: Characteristics and Role in Human Disease, Geisslitz, S., Shewry, P., Brouns, F., America, A., Caio, G., Daly, M., D'Amico, S., De Giorgio, R., Gilissen, L., Grausgruber, H., Huang, X., Jonkers, D., Keszthelyi, D., Larré, C., Masci, S., Mills, C., Møller, M., Sorrells, M., Svensson, B., Zevallos Herencia, V., Weegels, P. 28 May 2021, In: Frontiers in Nutrition
  • Dietary wheat amylase trypsin inhibitors impact alzheimer’s disease pathology in 5xfad model mice, Guilherme, M., Zevallos, V., Pesi, A., Stoye, N., Nguyen, V., Radyushkin, K., Schwiertz, A., Schmitt, U., Schuppan, D., Endres, K. 31 Aug 2020, In: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
  • Sourdough Fermentation Degrades Wheat Alpha-Amylase/Trypsin Inhibitor (ATI) and Reduces Pro-Inflammatory Activity, Huang, X., Schuppan, D., Tovar, L., Zevallos, V., Loponen, J., Gänzle, M. 16 Jul 2020, In: Foods
  • Dietary wheat amylase trypsin inhibitors exacerbate murine allergic airway inflammation, Zevallos, V., Raker, V., Maxeiner, J., Scholtes, P., Steinbrink, K., Schuppan, D. 1 Jun 2019, In: European Journal of Nutrition
  • Histamine causes influx via T-type voltage-gated calcium channels in an enterochromaffin tumor cell line: potential therapeutic target in adverse food reactions, Pfanzagl, B., Zevallos, V., Schuppan, D., Pfragner, R., Jensen-Jarolim, E. 1 Feb 2019, In: American Journal of Physiology - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology
  • Lactobacilli Degrade Wheat Amylase Trypsin Inhibitors to Reduce Intestinal Dysfunction Induced by Immunogenic Wheat Proteins, Caminero, A., McCarville, J., Zevallos, V., Pigrau, M., Yu, X., Jury, J., Galipeau, H., Clarizio, A., Casqueiro, J., Murray, J., Collins, S., Alaedini, A., Bercik, P., Schuppan, D., Verdu, E. 1 Jun 2019, In: Gastroenterology
  • Wheat amylase-trypsin inhibitors exacerbate intestinal and airway allergic immune responses in humanized mice, Bellinghausen, I., Weigmann, B., Zevallos, V., Maxeiner, J., Reißig, S., Waisman, A., Schuppan, D., Saloga, J. 1 Jan 2019, In: Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology

  • Ailsa Marsh Start Date: 01/06/2024
  • Shweta Katrolia Modulating inflammatory response to dietary proteins in non-coeliac wheat sensitivity Start Date: 01/10/2022
  • Jonathan Chikankheni Physiological response of quinoa to environmental stress: effects on nutritional profile and plant immunity. Start Date: 01/10/2022

  • Medical Science PhD April 01 2011
  • Member of the American Gastroenterological Association
  • Member of the British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology
  • Member of the Nutrition Society

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