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Value for Money for our students

Value for money

We have an ongoing and clear focus on ensuring Value for Money (VfM) for our students, staff, and other stakeholders including taxpayers. Efficient and effective procurement of goods and services is a key enabler of this, as is the effective use of our resources including our estate. But we know that Value for Money means much more than this. We continue to ensure that Northumbria adds value across all its activities, through the student experience whilst studying, through support for employability, and through ensuring that we are transparent about how we use our resources.

The value of a Northumbria University degree is not just confined to the immediate benefits of an excellent student experience, access to opportunities across the University and preparation for a successful career after graduation. Rather it is a longer-term investment in personal growth, skill development and intellectual curiosity that lasts a lifetime. A Northumbria degree provides graduates with the knowledge, critical thinking abilities and practical skills needed to navigate complex challenges in the workforce and beyond.

The resources on this webpage are particularly designed for students and show where our income comes from, how we spend our resources to support our objectives, and how we monitor against these objectives to ensure we deliver value. The pages also provide information to help understand the inherently complicated and interlinked areas of funding, fees, Value and VfM

Value and VfM

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