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What will I learn on this module?
In Fashion Industry & Enterprise (DE7055) you will have the opportunity to apply and practice the fashion research principles gained in your Block 1 studies, and Block 2 modules - Fashion Research Experimentation (DE7059) or Responsible Design Experimentation DE7054, within innovative and collaborative, real-life design situations. Through projects with industry or other organisations and working in multi-cultural/multi-disciplinary teams, the underpinning knowledge and understanding applied here will help you learn effective ways of working as a reflective practitioner using action research processes within an industry context and relative to your own practice.
Through this pass/fail module and supported and informed by academic staff research specialisms, you will be able to interpret the utility and limitations of methods employed and appreciate the transferability of design thinking to different contexts and domains.
How will I learn on this module?
The Fashion Industry & Enterprise (DE7055) will aid your continued learning in Research Practice (Research Through Design) and develop an understanding of where your own research sits in a social, academic and commercial environment whilst building your professional network.
You will be taught through a combination of seminars, project supervision and directed learning that will be based on practical engagement in a studio and workshop environment, where you will work on a team project to apply and test the theory, knowledge, and concepts that you have learnt. Small group seminars and workshops will allow you to engage with tutors whose research portfolios align with cross cultural collaboration, enterprise, innovation, action research and reflective practice. Through group studio and workshop activity you will be able to develop your skills and subject specialism within a collaborative scenario, gaining an understanding of application of materials, technologies and processes in an industry context. You will also conduct independent study that will centre on the identification and pursuit of further areas of interest, gaining deeper/broader knowledge and understanding of the subject through a range of learning activities including extended reading, reflection, research etc.
Through tutorial support and studio-based feedback, you will be supported in your research by engaging in discussion with an active research community of peers and academic and technical staff. You will learn to clearly communicate and present concepts, ideas or conclusions to specialist and non-specialist audiences through group presentations.
How will I be supported academically on this module?
You will be supported by academic experts who will facilitate discussion in tutorials and group critiques in scheduled timetabled sessions and directed study. These formal conversations are opportunities to receive immediate feedback on on-going work and to act on that feedback. You will also have appropriate technical support to advance your design practice and experiment with materials and processes relevant to your concept.
You will be supported in developing relationships with potential companies where appropriate and be involved in reflective practice within collaborative project teams and on an individual basis within a final reflective document.
Further formal academic support is provided via information posted on the E-Learning Portal (Blackboard). Where appropriate, students may also be directed to engage with Study Skills +, or other resources offered through the University Student Support Services. The University Library is open 24 hours a day and E-Learning Portal houses all your module documents including your timetable. These services can be accessed on a range of devices
What will I be expected to read on this module?
All modules at Northumbria include a range of reading materials that students are expected to engage with. The reading list for this module can be found at: http://readinglists.northumbria.ac.uk
(Reading List service online guide for academic staff this containing contact details for the Reading List team – http://library.northumbria.ac.uk/readinglists)
What will I be expected to achieve?
Knowledge & Understanding (KU):
1) Demonstrate scholarship in masters level research through a comprehensive reflective document in the fields of enterprise and innovation, cross cultural collaboration, action research and reflective practice.
2. Investigate and articulate creative and experimental approaches to a specific topic of inquiry developing your personal design knowledge and ethos.
Intellectual / Professional skills & abilities:
Application (IPSA):
3) Demonstrate the application of knowledge/theory/methods (as described in KU) in the context of your creative practice
4) Present a portfolio of work that evidences existing materials, processes, trials, products and current innovation that communicates your practice to a wide audience.
Personal Values Attributes (Global / Cultural awareness, Ethics, Curiosity) (PVA):1)
5) Critically review and reflect on the application, utility and limitations of the action research and reflection, cross cultural collaboration, and enterprise and innovation, knowledge you have applied and the impact of this knowledge on your practice.
How will I be assessed?
Summative Assessment - Pass/Fail
Collaborative group project outcomes: Group Project Work, Group Presentations, Scholarly Activity.
Personal Reflective Document that demonstrates the development of personal and cross transferrable design knowledge and skills.
Formative assessment will be given throughout the semester through peer and tutor feedback with tutorial support helping to progress your work and enhance your design practice skills and intellectual understanding with experimental materials and processes.
Module abstract
In the dynamic Fashion Industry & Enterprise (DE7055) module, you will have the opportunity to apply and practice Fashion Research Principles gained in Block 1 studies, and Block 2 modules - Fashion Research Experimentation (DE7059) or Responsible Design Experimentation DE7054, within innovative and collaborative, real-life design situations through projects with industry or other organisations. Working in multi-cultural/multi-disciplinary teams and supported by academic experts and technicians, the underpinning knowledge and understanding applied here will help you learn effective ways of working as a reflective practitioner and develop an understanding of where your own research sits in a social, academic and commercial environment whilst building your confidence and professional network.
Course info
Credits 20
Level of Study Postgraduate
Mode of Study 1 year Full Time
Department Northumbria School of Design, Arts and Creative Industries
Location City Campus, Northumbria University
City Newcastle
Start September 2025
All information is accurate at the time of sharing.
Full time Courses are primarily delivered via on-campus face to face learning but could include elements of online learning. Most courses run as planned and as promoted on our website and via our marketing materials, but if there are any substantial changes (as determined by the Competition and Markets Authority) to a course or there is the potential that course may be withdrawn, we will notify all affected applicants as soon as possible with advice and guidance regarding their options. It is also important to be aware that optional modules listed on course pages may be subject to change depending on uptake numbers each year.
Contact time is subject to increase or decrease in line with possible restrictions imposed by the government or the University in the interest of maintaining the health and safety and wellbeing of students, staff, and visitors if this is deemed necessary in future.
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