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Business, Environment and Social Cause

Organisations with a social cause are making contributions to economic equity and societal development across the world. Such social cause-centred entrepreneurial organisations are acknowledged as the means of addressing market and policy failure albeit faced with multifarious challenges.

This Research Interest Group brings together academics, practitioners and students with an interest in social cause in public, private and third sector organisations. It is a big tent platform for discussion and exchange of actionable ideas for collective socio-economic and ecological wellbeing. 

From Global to Local: Can We Solve Our Social and Environmental Challenges by Putting Local Communities at the Centre of Decision Making?

Seminar Speaker: Chris Blake

Date: 17th March 2022      Time: 1600-1700      Place: Virtual

Chris Blake has spent the last decade supporting community responses to climate change. As a founding Director of both award-winning social enterprises The Green Valleys and Community Energy Wales he has been at the forefront of the movement for community owned renewable generation.  More recently he has been leading the Skyline programme delivering landscape-scale community stewardship of public land in the South Wales Valleys.  He recently concluded 5 years as a Board Member for Natural Resources Wales. He currently leads the RENEW Wales program that delivers community support through peer mentoring and is a Trustee of the Black Mountains College. Chris is able to combine his previous Board level experience within the publishing and media-tech industries with a passionate belief in the power of community action to meet today’s challenges.

  • Dr. Nadja Damij (2018 – 2021): Fostering Innovation in the Danube Region through Knowledge Engineering and Intellectual Property Rights Management. The project took a pioneering effort bringing advanced knowledge engineering technology to the field of IPR. It was founded by the European Commission Interreg Danube Transnational Programme in the total amount of EUR 2,149,800. Click here for more information. 

  • Dr. Nadja Damij (2017 – 2020): Enhancing Innovativeness in less developed regions by co-designing high-performance computing education. The project took a pioneering step towards improving the awareness about the innovative potential of HPC by SMEs by co-designing tailor-made courses delivering a coherent set of competences required for the application of HPC in SME and micro-enterprise contexts. It was founded by the European Commission Erasmus+ Programme in the total amount of EUR 933,000. Click here for more information. 
  • Dr Sanjay Bhowmick: Global Challenge Research Fund (GCRF) Networking Grant project 2019: UK-India Sustainable Development and Research Collaboration on Watermills Modernisation. This project examined the government-agency-community collaboration effectiveness for enhancing small community level multi-purpose watermills in sub-Himalayan Uttarakhand, India, compared to the UK.
  • Dr. Riad Shams and Professor Andrew Robson are looking for a fully-funded Doctoral candidate to explore “Stakeholders’ Perceived Experience for Re-Positioning the Urban Parks: Nudging for Voluntary Services and Greener Newcastle”. Find out more about the fund and eligibility.

  • Knowledge Exchange and CPD Initiative: As part of our Knowledge Exchange and CPD initiative, Dr. Riad Shams delivered a stakeholder briefing session on 28th February 2022. The topic of this briefing session for stakeholders from public and private sector was “Strategic Marketing for People, Planet and Profit”. The recording of this session can be accessed through the link below.

CFP topic: Social Business Sustainability for Sustainable Regional Development

Journal: Regional Studies (ABS-4)

Abstract submission deadline: 30th June 2022

Paper submission deadline: 31st December 2022

GEs: Shams, S. M. R., Vrontis, D., Cooper, C., Czinkota, M. R., Colombelli, A. 


CFP topic: B2B Marketing for People, Planet and Profit: Theoretical Advancement and Empirical Insights

Journal: Industrial Marketing Management (ABS-3)

Paper submission deadline: 31st December 2022

GEs: Vrontis, D., Shams, S. M. R., Czinkota, M. R., Kotabe, M., Kumar, V.


CFP topic: Born-global firms in and from the Asia-Pacific region: Strategic challenges and opportunities

Journal: Asia Pacific Journal of Management (ABS-3)

Paper submission deadline: 30th April 2022

GEs: Shams, S. M. R., Vrontis, D., Mukherjee, D., Kafouros, D., Apostolidis, C.


CFP topic: Global Strategy Evolution, Devolution or Revolution: Disruptions in Globalisation and International Business Introversion

Journal: Journal of International Management (ABS-3)

Paper submission deadline: 15th December 2022

GEs: Vrontis, D., Shams, S. M. R., Kafouros, M., Thrassou, A., Czinkota, M. 


Ongoing CFPs from:

Annals of Business Research

International Journal of Big Data Management, and 

Palgrave Studies in Cross-Disciplinary Business Research

These journals and series actively publish in the area of business management and the triple bottom line (people, planet and profit). Any enquires for these CFPs should be directed to Dr. Riad Shams at

Olan, F., Arakpogun, E. O., Suklan, J., Nakpodia, F., Damij, N., & Jayawickrama, U. (2022). Artificial intelligence and knowledge sharing: Contributing factors to organizational performance. Journal of Business Research, 145, 605-615.   

Zaman, U., Damij, N., Khaliq, A., Nawaz, M. S., & Pradana, M. (2022). Feeling “holier than thou”: exploring the critical nexus between project governance, exploitative leadership and multi-dimensional success in ICT projects. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, (ahead-of-print).   

Cunningham, J., Damij, N., & Modic, D. (2022). An Exploratory Study of High-Performance Computing Technology Adoption over the Stages of Entrepreneurship. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing.   

Damij, N., & Damij, T. (2021). An Approach to Optimizing Kanban Board Workflow and Shortening the Project Management Plan. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management.   

Modic, D., Hafner, A., Damij, N., & Zajc, L. C. (2019). Innovations in intellectual property rights management: Their potential benefits and limitations. European Journal of Management and Business Economics.   

Modic, D., & Damij, N. (2018). Towards Intellectual Property Rights Management: Back-office and Front-office Perspectives. Springer. 

Algarni, MA, Ali, M, Albort-Morant, G, Leal-Rodríguez, AL, Latan, H, Ali, I & Ullah, S. (2022). “Make green, live clean! Linking adaptive capability and environmental behavior with financial performance through corporate sustainability performance” Journal of Cleaner Production. 

Callagher, L., Korber, S., Siedlok, F., & Elsahn, Z. (2022). Metaorganizing Collaborative Innovation for Action on Grand Challenges. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management.

Olan, F., Jayawickrama, U., Arakpogun, E. O., Suklan, J., & Liu, S. (2022). Fake news on social media: the Impact on Society. Information Systems Frontiers, 1-16.

Nakpodia, F., & Olan, F. (2022). Corporate governance reform in Nigeria: upstream and downstream interventions. Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society.

Gerli, P., Arakpogun, E., Elsahn, Z., Olan, F., Prime, K. (2021). Beyond contact-tracing: The public value of eHealth application in a pandemic. Government Information Quarterly (DOI: 

Siedlok, F., Elsahn, Z., & Callagher, L. (2021). Managing Internationalisation Tensions in Producer Cooperatives. AIB Insights, 21(1).

Arakpogun, E., Elsahn, Z., Prime, K., Gerli, P., Olan, F. (2020). Digital contact-tracing and pandemics: Institutional and technological preparedness in Africa. World Development (DOI:

Kleber, Reiman, Souza and Zhang (2020). Two-sided competition with vertical differentiation in both acquisition and sales in remanufacturing. Production, Manufacturing, Transportation and Logistics. 284, 572-587.

Bhowmick, S. (2021). Entrepreneurial agency for survival and resourcing during covid19 pandemic: Constrained environment entrepreneurship in a sub-Himalayan region in India. In J. Scott, J. Hussain and S. Salia (Eds.), Entrepreneurial Financial Resilience and Financial Innovation in a Turbulent Era. Cheltenham, Glos: Edward Elgar. 

Shams, S. M. R., Vrontis, D., Chaudhuri, R., Chavan, S., and Czinkota, M. (2021). Stakeholder engagement for innovation management and entrepreneurial development: A meta-analysis. Journal of Business Research (DOI: 

Amouri, A., Gesta, G., Shams, S. M. R., Sakka, G., and Rossi, M. (2021). Technological propensity, financial constraints, and entrepreneurial limits in young entrepreneurs’ social business enterprises: The Tunisian Experience. Technological Forecasting and Social Change (published online ahead of print:

Shams, S. M. R., Vrontis, D., and Christofi, M. (2021). Stakeholder causal scope analysis-centered big data management for sustainable tourism. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research (DOI: 10.1177/1096348020978547).

Booth, M., Shin, H, and Gomezel, A.S. (Forthcoming).Human resource management challenges in a social enterprise from the case of a social enterprise in Slovenia. International Journal of Human Resource Development.

Booth, M., Shin, H. and Gomezel, A.S. (2019).Challenges in a social enterprise from the case of a social enterprise in Slovenia. In: Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Global Entrepreneurial Talent Management & Social Collaboration (13-20). Chonnam National University, Gwangju, Korea. 

Hart, D. J. and Robson, A. (2019). Does charity begin at home? National identity and donating to domestic versus international charities. VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 30, 865-860.

Robson, A. and Hart, D. J. (Forthcoming). The post-Brexit donor: Segmenting the UK charitable marketplace using political attitudes and national identity. International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing. 

Myers, J.(2017).Mutual solutions to shaping public service. Public Money & Management, 36(1), 55-60.

Bhowmick, S. (2011). Social cause venturing as a distinct domain. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, 2(1), 99-111.

As a community of academics, practitioners and students in this field of research and practice, we always look for collaboration opportunities. Informal enquires for collaboration and more information about the RIG are valued and can be directed to the convenors of this RIG:

Current Convenors:

Dr. Riad Shams (

Dr. Nadja Damij (

Founding Convenors:

Dr. Sanjay Bhowmick 

Dr. Riad Shams 

RIG members: 

Dr. Sanjay Bhowmick

Dr. Nadja Damij

Mr Neil Harrison

Mr Mark Middling

Dr Femi Olan

Dr Riad Shams

Mr. Peter Breakey

Mr. Nicholas Burton

Mr. Robin Dick

Dr. Ziad Elsahn

Dr. Stuart English

Dr. Mohammed Mazumder

Dr. Edita Petrylaite

Dr. Weihua Zhang

Dr. Murad Ali

Ms. Sadia Haque

Ms. Eller Everett

Ms. Lisa Ferguson

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