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Critical Perspectives in Management Studies

The Critical Perspectives in Management Studies (CPMS) Research Interest Group (RIG) provides a safe and welcoming space to meet, discuss, and/or present CMS from a historical, contemporary and futures perspective.  CPMS is open to academics, researchers, activists and practitioners critical of hierarchies, inequality and exploitative practices in and around organisations.  

What is CMS?

Critical Management Studies (CMS) are an exciting, diverse and evolving range of paradigms and theories that challenge and critique the prevailing organisational and management hegemonies of our time, experimenting with radical and emancipative horizons of social transformation.  

Engaging areas such as social justice, sociology, philosophy and politics CMS draws inspiration from Critical Theory and Management Studies to explore worker marginalization, emancipation, resistance, and alternative forms of organizations, such as self-managed collectives, workers’ cooperatives and solidarity initiatives.

Getting Involved?

Please contact Dr Oonagh Harness to inquire about membership, meetings, upcoming events and activities.  


The group aims to provide a space to gather colleagues who share certain research interests to network and collaborate and to create a personal-relevant and interpersonal-related research-active environment for critical research and its impact development.  

Upcoming Meetings and Events

We are delighted to be running a series of research seminars exploring the impact of Covid-19 on work. 

‘Running Toward the Bullets’ Moral Injury in Critical Care Nursing in the Covid-19 Pandemic – Dr Martyn Griffin (Sheffield University). 

Friday 13th May, 2022: 13.00 - 14.30.  Online @ Microsoft Teams here


Our past guest speakers and topics include:  

Dr Peter Hamilton (Durham University) on ‘Clap for Carers’ as Epideictic Rhetoric: A Reception Analysis of Critical Care Nurses

Prof. Chris Grey (Royal Holloway, University of London) on “Into the Brexit bear pit: Blogging, tweeting, slogging, weeping, engaging, enraging and changing”  

Prof. Dan Karreman (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark) on “Bullshit and Organisation Studies”  

Dr Todd Bridgman (Co-Editor-in-Chief of Management Learning; Victoria university of Wellington) on “Why we need to write and teach new histories of management”  

Prof. Jo Brewis (Open University) on “Menopause and the workplace: For an intersectional political economy”  

Prof. Ian Kirkpatrick (University of York) on “The future of professionalization: A delaying or a vibrant and evolving institution?” 

Prof. Patrick Dawson (Northumbria University) on “A processual approach to organisation studies” 


Members of the research interest group  

Alex Hope 

Alistair Bowden 

Amir Elmi Keshtiban 

Gosia Ciesielska 

Ian Elliott  

Ian Fitzgerald 

Kristina Brown 

Lorraine Johnston 

Mai Chi Vu 

Patrick Dawson 

Rima Hussein 

Rod Thomas 

Ron Beadle 

Steve Ball 

Ziad Elsahn 


Research Interest Group Convenors  

The group convenors are Dr Oonagh Harness, Dr Marco Checchi, Professor David Jones, and Robin Dick (PGR)

Oonagh is a lecturer in Critical Management and Organisation Studies and joined Newcastle Business School in September 2021. Her main research interests are forms of embodied labour (emotional and aesthetic), the role of organisational space and how identities are constructed in relation to work. Oonagh is currently involved in two research projects connected to Covid-19, including one on the implications of furlough on self, identity and dignity, and another on critical care nursing throughout and beyond the pandemic. She recently published her PhD research in Work, Employment and Society.  

Marco is a Senior Lecturer in Organisation Studies and joined Newcastle Business School in September 2021. He is currently working on an action research project to create a network of social and cooperative clinics across Europe. Marco is interested in conceptualisations of resistance from a Foucauldian perspective that focus on its creative character and generate alternative forms of organising, such as recuperated factories, solidarity clinics and self-managed collectives. He has recently published The Primacy of Resistance: Power, Opposition and Becoming for Bloomsbury Philosophy.  

David joined Newcastle Business School in January 2019. He is running several international projects, across UK, New Zealand, Australia, Israel, US, Canada in critical management education and critical university studies – examples are around concealment, restorative spaces, alternative academic careers, using Lacan and Foucault methodologies. David is an Associate Editor for Management Learning and has widely published in management journals in connection to critical management education. David has given international guest lectures and been on expert panels around the future of higher education.  

Robin is a PGR student who joined the PhD Leadership and HR Management student cohort in October 2021.  As a mature student he has a passion for social justice and a background in applied social innovation, community regeneration and inclusion, NFP business development, social enterprise/entrepreneurship, and human-centered-design.  He has undertaken these activities in the UK, Australia, USA, Germany and Greece. His PhD study is focused on a woven pattern of academic health and wellbeing, and collective care, with a hint of Indigenous worldview and wisdom.



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