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Spirituality in Management and Law

Responsibility can have quite different meanings for employers, managers and employees who understand themselves as being responsible to a religion, belief or truth rather than to shareholders, customers or laws.  

The Spirituality in Management & Law group undertakes inter-disciplinary research and scholarship that examines how spirituality, religion or belief influences management, employment and law .  We aim to:

  • Promote interdisciplinary research and scholarship which develops an understanding of spirituality in management practice
  • Provide opportunities for research & training that involves spirituality, management practice and law
  • Offer a vibrant forum for academic and practitioner engagement


Dr Nicholas Burton (

Dr Mai Chi Vu (

Name: Anthony Froggett

Thesis title: Is non-romanticized leadership possible?  

Supervisor: Dr Nicholas Burton


Name: Darren Redgwell

Thesis title: ‘Calibrating the Moral Compass: An Aristotelian Virtue Ethics Approach to British Soldiers Moral Agency during Complex Expeditionary Operations’. Complete January 2022. 

Supervisor: Dr. Angus Robson


Name: Sally Wightman PhD

Thesis title: ‘The Role of Tradition in the Experience and Conceptualisation of Meaningful Work: A Comparative Case Study of Christian and Secular Youth Homelessness Organisations in the United Kingdom’. Complete October 2022.

Supervisors: Dr. Angus Robson, Dr. Nicholas Burton, Dr Ruth Yeonman


Recently completed PhDs

Professor Ron Beadle 

Croney, P (2016) Academic Adjustment: from secondary school to University within Business and Economics Education. DBA

Nicholson, H (2015) Corporate Philanthropy: The decision-making process and employee involvement. PhD

Robson, A (2014) Leader Narratives in Scottish banking: An Aristotelian Approach. PhD

Fitzgerald, I (2014) Labour market regulation and Polish migrants, social justice, trade unions and integration into UK society. PhD by Published Work

Farran, S. (2013). Vanuatu: land in a sea of islands. PhD by Published Work

Ghasem, N. (2011). How does dissatisfaction with supervisors affect workers in Libyan Manufacturing Organisations? Northumbria University, PhD

Hughes, P. (2010). Decision making processes in the context of ethical dilemmas; a study of accountants in training. Northumbria University, DBA

Slack, R. (2010). Voluntary Disclosure Narrative: Reporting Content, Stakeholders, External Materiality and Usefulness, Northumbria University, PhD by Published Work

Brown, G. (2010). How do public sector employees perceive the effects of changes to organisational aesthetics upon innovation? Northumbria University, DBA

Hussein, R. (2009). Cultural Perspectives on the Meaning of Corporate Social Responsibility in a Third Sector Organisation. Northumbria University, PhD

We have around 50 active associate members from around the world, including the US, Europe, Middle East, Africa, Asia and Australasia. If you would like to get involved please email:

Dr. Nicholas Burton (

Dr. Mai Chi Vu (

The current associate members are: 

Sheldene Simola, Canada

Dr. Dunia A. Harajli, Lebanon

Mohd Faiz Hilmi

Payal Kumar, India

Kevin D. Frick, USA

Katya (short for Ekaterina), USA

Carolyn Wiley, USA

Watson, Lemuel Warren, USA

Allan Discua Crux, UK

Richard Peregroy, USA

Fouad El Osrouti, Netherlands

Madhu Lata, India

Raysa Geaquinti, Portugal

Charlie Tackney, Denmark

Judi Neal, USA

Anisha Kaur Johal, UK

Gareth Potts, USA

Emmanuel Arakpogun, UK

Benito L. Teehankee, Phillipines

Susan S. Case, USA

Arpan Acharya, India

Jacqueline Jung You, UK

Sheila Hanson, USA

Ksenia Keplinger, Germany

Loi Anh Nguyen, USA

Irene Chu, UK

Daryl Koehn, USA

Frans DokmanNetherlands

Ella Henry, NZ

Tianyuan Yu, Canada

Albert J. Mills, Finland

Mario J. Cuevas, UK

George Gotsis, Greece

Jody Fry, Ph.D. USA

Anna-Lisa Longmore, USA

Gerard Farias, USA

Naida Culshaw, France

Juanita Woods, USA

Dr. M. Isabella Cavalcanti Junqueira, USA

Prof. Kurt April, S. Africa

Jeannel King

Alexandre Nunes

Madhu Lata, India

Hussein Abdou, UK

Dr. Dunia Harajli, Lebanon

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