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Alumni Reunions

The friendships we make at University help to shape the person we are today and there are many ways the Alumni Association can help you to reconnect with old friends. We can support you to organise a class reunion or provide you with an opportunity to join one which is already in motion

How we can support

  • Contacting your former classmates to notify them of your plans
  • Promoting your reunion through our webpages, social media channels and alumni e-bulletin
  • Supporting you with a Northumbria University Campus visit or bespoke requirements
  • Connecting you to an alumni reunion which has been confirmed

If you are considering organising a reunion and want to understand interest from your classmates or have plans in place, please do get in touch to email

Did you study Design for Industry at Newcastle Polytechnic? We are supporting an alumni host to reconnect all from the 1981 graduating year. The alumni reunion will take place from 1 - 3 November 2024 in Newcastle.

If you are part of this cohort, please  email

Did you study History of Modern Art and Design at Newcastle Polytechnic? An alumni reunion will take place on Wednesday, 16 October in Newcastle and we are supporting an alumni host to reconnect all from the 1984 graduating year. For more information, please email

We would be delighted to reconnect alumni from the BA Human Organisation programme who graduated in 2004. If you are part of this cohort, please  email 

We would be delighted to reconnect the BA Graphic Design Class of 2008. If you are part of this cohort who graduated in Graphic Design in 2008, please email

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Dr Henrik Melin pictured with a life-sized replica of one of the Webb telescope’s 18 individual hexagonal mirrored panels. Image credit: Barry Pells/Northumbria University.
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The IDEAS-NET Team (L-R), Dr Eduwin Pakpahan, Professor Tracy Finch, Dr Sebastian Potthoff, Professor Katie Haighton, Professor Angela Bate (Co-Director), Professor Sonia Dalkin (Co-Director), Professor Joanne Gray, Professor Tom Sanders, Dr Jason Scott (Deputy Director), Professor Darren Flynn, Jamie Taylor (Project Manager)
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