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Decent Work and Economic Growth

We support sustainable and inclusive economic growth, and decent employment conditions for all, both through our research and our own operations.  Our research and partnerships help to inform policy and initiatives in support of the economic and social well-being of the North East, as well as international financial markets.  We help to educate business leaders to embed ethical considerations within their activities, and we work to support the well-being and rights of all of our staff and students.

In the Spotlight: Tees Valley Combined Authority Collaboration

Our Newcastle Business School is working in collaboration with the Tees Valley Combined Authority to identify ways to support and encourage sustainable economic growth.  Exploring the areas of Darlington, Hartlepool, Middlesbrough, Redcar & Cleveland and Stockton-on-Tees, the project identifies how employment, training and investment can be included within Policy to deliver maximum benefit to these areas.  

At a Glance: From Our Research to our Operations

  • Our students offer a free consultancy service to local SMEs through their work at the Business Clinic to help organisations to grow and respond to new challenges.
  • Our Business School is a PRME Champion School (Principles of Responsible Management Education), acting as an exemplar of creating business leaders with the skills and knowledge needed to run strong and ethical organisation. The Business School has also recently been awarded with funding to support 50 microbusinesses through a dedicated programme called Leading to Grow.
  • We run a series of free Responsible Business Seminars with NIBE to promote responsibility in organisations and businesses across the region.
  • Northumbria University is committed to the rights and welfare of our staff and students. We work closely with both the Students’ Union and staff unions to ensure all voices are heard.
  • We adhere to our Modern Slavery Statement.

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