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Student Data (Alt text)

As part of the EDI Report 2023-24, view Northumbria’s student data across the reporting period (full alternative text version)

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Student Profile data

Our student profile information shows data relating to students enrolled at Northumbria University in the 2023/24 academic year. This data includes all full-time students studying at our Newcastle campus. Numbers have been rounded to the nearest 5 and suppressed when below 5.

Age on Entry Profile

The age on entry profile of our students differs by the level of study and is typical of the sector with a large number of UG students joining Northumbria straight from sixth form/college aged 18. By contrast over 53% of our PGT students in 2023/24 were aged 25 and above at the point of entry. Blue, yellow, orange and grey bar charts showing age of entry of students in the categories 'undergraduate', 'post graduate taught' and 'post graduate research'

Age Range

UG Enrolled

PGT Enrolled

PGR Enrolled

20 and under




21-24 years




25-29 years




30 years and over





Alt text: The table and chart show the distribution of full-time Newcastle campus students in 2023/24 split by study level and age on entry band. At UG level, students aged 20 and under on entry had a headcount of 13,905 (83.7%), those aged 21-24 years had a headcount of 1,805 (10.9%), those aged 25-29 years had a headcount of 400 (2.4%), and those 30 years and over had a headcount of 505 (3.0%). At PGT level, students aged 20 and under on entry had a headcount of 20 (0.7%), those aged 21-24 years had a headcount of 1,475 (45.7%), those aged 25-29 years had a headcount of 865 (26.7%), and those 30 years and over had a headcount of 870 (26.9%). At PGR level, students aged 21-24 years on entry had a headcount of 190 (27.0%), those aged 25-29 years had a headcount of 230 (32.8%), and those 30 years and over had a headcount of 285 (40.3%).

Disability Profile

We collect detailed student disability data which includes details of mental health conditions, learning difficulties, physical impairments and social, behavioural and communication impairments to ensure we can target our student support most effectively. The aggregate data presented below shows that 19.6% of Northumbria’s FT UG student body had a known disability in 2023/24. The latest sector data relates to 2022/23 and shows that the figure across the sector was 18.7% (HEIDI Plus Student FPE 2022/23). Northumbria also has a higher proportion of students with a known disability at PGT level (7.9% vs 2022/23 sector 7.7%) and at PGR level (21.1% vs 2022/23 sector 15.4%).

Blue and orange bar charts showing disclosure of disability of students in the categories 'undergraduate', 'post graduate taught' and 'post graduate research, split into 'A specific learning disability', 'no known disability' and 'other disability'



UG Enrolled

PGT Enrolled

PGR Enrolled

No known disability




A specific learning difficulty




Other disability




2. Distribution of full-time Newcastle campus students in 2023/24 split by study level and disability category

Alt text: The table and chart show the distribution of full-time Newcastle campus students in 2023/24 split by study level and disability category. At UG level, students with no known disability had a headcount of 13,360 (80.4%), those with a specific learning difficulty had a headcount of 1,295 (7.8%) and those with another disability had a headcount of 1,960 (11.8%). At PGT level, students with no known disability had a headcount of 2,980 (92.2%), those with a specific learning difficulty had a headcount of 75 (2.3%) and those with another disability had a headcount of 180 (5.6%). At PGR level, students with no known disability had a headcount of 555 (78.9%), those with a specific learning difficulty had a headcount of 55 (8.1%) and those with another disability had a headcount of 90 (13.0%).


In addition to our Newcastle Campus, Northumbria has a London Campus and multiple Transnational Education Partners, overall making up a diverse student body with over 12,000 international students from c.145 countries. The table and graph below show the domicile split for Newcastle Campus. The domicile split between the different study levels is very different with our large UG cohort including over 90% of students from the UK. Within this UK cohort, 62% of students come from the North East of England (HEIDI Plus; Student FPE 2022/23) indicating our strong regional presence. At PGT and PGR levels, we have a much stronger international presence with large intakes from countries such as India, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Pakistan who made up our 5 largest cohorts from outside the UK at PGT level.

Blue and orange bar charts showing domicile (UK or Non-UK) of students in the categories 'undergraduate', 'post graduate taught' and 'post graduate research'


UG Enrolled

PGT Enrolled

PGR Enrolled










Alt text: The table and chart show the distribution of full-time Newcastle campus students in 2023/24 split by study level and disability category. At UG level, students with no known disability had a headcount of 13,360 (80.4%), those with a specific learning difficulty had a headcount of 1,295 (7.8%) and those with another disability had a headcount of 1,960 (11.8%). At PGT level, students with no known disability had a headcount of 2,980 (92.2%), those with a specific learning difficulty had a headcount of 75 (2.3%) and those with another disability had a headcount of 180 (5.6%). At PGR level, students with no known disability had a headcount of 555 (78.9%), those with a specific learning difficulty had a headcount of 55 (8.1%) and those with another disability had a headcount of 90 (13.0%).


The Ethnicity splits shown below are shaped by the domicile split described above with higher proportions of BAME students at PGT and PGR level and the proportions at UG level in particular are influenced by the North East region’s demographics. For example, the population of black UK students at Northumbria is small when compared to the sector but this is due in part to the demographics of the North East region and the strong regional profile of Northumbria’s UG intake. 3.2% of FT UK UG students at Northumbria in 2023/24 were black compared to an UK provider average of 7.1% (HEIDI Plus; Student FPE 2022/23). Official census and labour market statistics show that only 1.5% of people aged between 16 and 64 in the North East were black in the census period July 2021 to June 2022.

Blue, yellow, orange and grey bar charts showing the ethnicity of students in the categories 'undergraduate', 'post graduate taught' and 'post graduate research'



UG Enrolled

PGT Enrolled

PGR Enrolled






















Alt text: The table and chart show the distribution of full-time Newcastle campus students in 2023/24 split by study level and ethnicity. At UG level, white students had a headcount of 13,220 (80.4%), black students had a headcount of 520 (3.2%), Asian students had a headcount of 1,415 (8.6%), mixed ethnicity students had a headcount of 605 (3.7%), and other ethnicity students had a headcount of 680 (4.1%). At PGT level, white students had a headcount of 845 (26.5%), black students had a headcount of 720 (22.6%), Asian students had a headcount of 1,520 (47.8%), mixed ethnicity students had a headcount of 55 (1.7%), and other ethnicity students had a headcount of 45 (1.4%). At PGR level, white students had a headcount of 410 (59.7%), black students had a headcount of 65 (9.4%), Asian students had a headcount of 150 (21.5%), mixed ethnicity students had a headcount of 25 (3.3%), and other ethnicity students had a headcount of 40 (6.0%).


The gender split of the student population at Northumbria is similar to that of the UK HE sector with 55.8% of our full-time UG students in 2023/24 being female compared to 56.3% in the sector (HEIDI Plus Student FPE 2022/23). At PGT level, there is some variation with females making up 51.1% of the student population compared to 54.9% across the sector.

Blue and orange bar charts of gender of students in the categories 'undergraduate', 'post graduate taught' and 'post graduate research'



UG Enrolled

PGT Enrolled

PGR Enrolled














Alt text: The table and chart shows the distribution of full-time Newcastle campus students in 2023/24 split by study level and gender. At UG level, female students had a headcount of 9,265 (55.8%) and male students had a headcount of 7,340 (44.2%). At PGT level, female students had a headcount of 1,650 (51.1%) and male students had a headcount of 1,580 (48.9%). At PGR level, female students had a headcount of 380 (54.1%) and male students had a headcount of 320 (45.9%).

Widening Participation

Northumbria is proud to be a successful Widening Participation (WP) Institution, with a high proportion of students coming from widening participation backgrounds. In semester one 2024/25, 69.4% of eligible students completed our diversity monitoring enrolment form. Of those who completed the form, 88.6% (20,125) self-identified as belonging to one or more WP groups (including those who identify as Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic, Care Leaver, Commuter Student, Disabled, Estranged, First-Generation, Eligible for Free School Meals, Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Communities, LGBTQ+, Low Participation Neighbourhoods, Mature Student, Military Background, Sanctuary Scholar or Young Carer).

Diversity Monitoring data is used as a starting point for further, meaningful conversations with staff and students. This data is used to provide new insights and monitor and evaluate our activity, rather than to put students into boxes. Data is disaggregated as much as possible, and we acknowledge that intersectionality and individual student experiences are important considerations. However, there are benefits for core business in collecting diversity data which include attracting buy in to work. We have introduced a Diversity Monitoring Dashboard to allow key stakeholders to view data in an informative and user-friendly way.

Student Performance

We continually analyse and evaluate student performance through an EDI lens on metrics across the student lifecycle including Access rates, Continuation (the proportion of new entrants who remain in HE one year after enrolment), Completion (the proportion of new entrants who go on to complete their qualification) and Progression (the proportion of graduates who go into skilled employment or further study).

A key part of this work is identifying areas where there are gaps in performance and setting targets to close gaps with appropriate interventions put in place to enable the closing of the gaps. This work is captured as part of the University’s Access and Participation Plan which was approved by the Office for Students in October 2023 and covers the period 2024/25 to 2027/28. 

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