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Chief Strategy Officer

Dan Monnery December 2024

Dan Monnery is Chief Strategy Officer at Northumbria University.

As Chief Strategy Officer Dan leads the development and implementation of the University Strategy on behalf of the Vice-Chancellor and works closely with the University Executive to deliver this and supporting plans. Dan leads and engages all colleagues with the University’s Vision, Strategy and plans, promoting cross university working and building a culture of collaboration and inclusivity.

Dan oversees all metrics, targets and data analysis work, monitoring and reporting on Strategy progress and recommending and making any necessary changes.

He provides strategic leadership of Strategy, Governance and Engagement Services (Strategic Planning and Performance, Transformation Management, Place and Stakeholder Engagement, Governance, Alumni and Philanthropy and Legal Services) to ensure the successful delivery of the University’s Vision and Strategy.

Working closely with the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Chief Financial Officer, Dan co-leads the University’s annual planning and resourcing process.

Dan leads the University’s role in Place, overseeing civic and regional partnerships and relationships, maximising opportunities, influencing decision makers to enhance the University’s reputation and position as a strong anchor institution in the North-East. 

He leads the translation of the University’s Vision and Strategy to develop and deliver Strategy, Governance and Engagement Services Plan.

As a Senior Information Risk Owner, Dan is responsible for the governance and management of data and information.

Dan is responsible for the development and implementation of the University’s approach to business continuity and incident management, working with University Executive colleagues to respond to major incidents.

He works with the Chief Financial Officer to take collective responsibility with the University Executive for the financial sustainability of the University, exercising personal financial leadership and accountability for devolved budgets in line with the University’s Financial Regulations.

He is accountable for alumni relations and philanthropic fundraising that supports delivery of the University’s objectives.

Dan is also accountable for governance, to ensure the University maintains high standards of corporate governance and compliance at appropriate levels.

Prior to joining Northumbria University Dan spent the early part of his career in a variety of roles at HM Treasury. As well as working as Private Secretary to the Chief Secretary (Treasury’s second Cabinet Minister), he helped to set up the Financial Services Authority (FSA) and to establish the London congestion charge. He also took forward the Treasury’s work on reforming management of the UK radio spectrum, the switchover to digital television and the establishment of the Office of Communications.


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