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Professor Merim Bilalic


Department: Psychology

I did my diploma studies (Psychology) in Sarajevo and my DPhil (Experimental Psychology) at Oxford. I subsequently held research and teaching positions at Humboldt, Brunel, and Tübingen. Before moving to Northumbria University, I held the Chair in Cognitive Psychology at Klagenfurt.

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Merim Bilalic

Campus Address

NA 345

  • Please visit the Pure Research Information Portal for further information
  • How Small Differences Grow over Time – The Snowball Effect of Grit on Practice in Sport, Cocic, D., Larkin, P., Hendry, D., Williams, A., O’Connor, D., Bilalic, M. 5 Jun 2024, In: International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology
  • Never Too Much—More talent in football (always) leads to more success, Long, A., Graf, M., Bilalic, M. 8 Feb 2024, In: PLoS One
  • Revising Home Advantage in Sport – Home Advantage Mediation (HAM) Model, Bilalic, M., Gulab, B., Vacic, N. 4 Jun 2024, In: International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology
  • Consequences of arbitrary binning the midpoint category in survey data: an illustration with student satisfaction in the National Student Survey, Pollet, T., Bilalic, M., Shepherd, L. 27 Nov 2023, In: Studies in Higher Education
  • Gritting One’s Way to Success – Grit Explains Skill in Elite Youth Soccer Players Beyond (Deliberate) Practice, Larkin, P., Cocic, D., Hendry, D., Williams, A., O’Connor, D., Bilalic, M. 1 Jan 2023, In: Psychology of Sport and Exercise
  • The effect of COVID-19 on home advantage in high- and low-stake situations: Evidence from the European national football competitions, Bilalić, M., Graf, M., Vaci, N. 1 Nov 2023, In: Psychology of Sport and Exercise
  • Tracing Cognitive Processes in Insight Problem Solving: Using GAMs and Change Point Analysis to Uncover Restructuring, Graf, M., Danek, A., Vaci, N., Bilalic, M. 3 May 2023, In: Journal of Intelligence
  • When (deliberate) practice is not enough – the role of intelligence, practice, and knowledge in academic performance, Bilalic, M., Đokić, R., Koso-Drljević, M., Djapo, N., Pollet, T. 1 Sep 2023, In: Current Psychology
  • Spotting lesions in thorax X-rays at a glance: holistic processing in radiology, Bilalić, M., Grottenthaler, T., Nägele, T., Lindig, T. Dec 2022, In: Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications
  • Home advantage during the COVID-19 pandemic: Analyses of European football leagues, McCarrick, D., Bilalic, M., Neave, N., Wolfson, S. 1 Sep 2021, In: Psychology of Sport and Exercise

  • Dijana Cocic Cognitive and conative underpinnings of sport expertise Start Date: 01/10/2017 End Date: 27/01/2023
  • Egle Harding intrinsic and Extrinsic Basis of Einstellung (Effect) Start Date: 01/03/2019

Psychology DPhil October 10 2016

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