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Abbie - ResizedI’m Abbie, a first-year student studying Psychology with Criminology, from Newcastle.

I’m a Geordie girl born and bred with a penchant for fancy words, creative outputs, good food and obsessive levels of organisation. Here’s a few of my favourite things, couple with some of my dodgy illustrations to bring them to life… 

  • DOCUMENTARIES - Resized (2)Documentaries of all shapes and sizes, I love ‘em all. I spend approximately 97.8% of my life watching them and thus, I am a fountain of rather useless knowledge.

  • The remaining 2.2% of my life is spent playing a variety of video games, so naturally, here is a picture of me in a dinosaur costume; presumably fighting against some sort of evil. My favourite game of all time is Skyrim.
    DINOSAUR - Resized (1)


  • I love, adore, cherish and adulate Newcastle. It’s the best place in the world. You heard it here first.

ANGEL - Resized (1)


Studying at Northumbria was a no-brainer for me, the course has such a good reputation, the University fosters so much support and growth for students, has a fab reputation to boot, and did I mention I like Newcastle? For me, the university is integral to the city which harbours the greatest mix of vibrant culture, partying, amazing facilities and Greggs pasties.

As a mature student, I wanted to be Digital Content Creator to create interesting content that us older folk can relate to as well as young people too. By providing information in a fun and engaging way, from a student’s perspective, I’d love to provide more information for all students that feel any apprehension prior to starting university, and throughout their course too.

It’s an overwhelming transition for everyone and can be even more so when you’re a mature student returning to academia; so hopefully I can impart some wisdom and provide perspective for anyone finding it difficult. (I know I did!)

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