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Dr Jose Lara Gallegos

Assistant Professor

Department: Applied Sciences

Jose Lara Cropped 250Born in the city of Xalapa, capital city of the state of Veracruz in the southeast of Mexico.

Dr Jose Lara Gallegos is currently a senior Lecturer in Human Nutrition at Northumbria University.



My primary training is on Human Nutrition and Dietetics. In 1990 I obtained a BSc first degree from the Universidad Veracruzana in Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico.

In 2001 I obtained an MSc in Human Nutrition, with specialization in public health, from the University of Glasgow, UK, where later, in 2005, I also obtained a PhD, both supervised by Professor Michael Lean.

Previous appointments:

Before joining Northumbria, I was appointed as a Senior research associate at Newcastle University working at the Human Nutrition Research Centre with Professor John Mathers and Dr Mario Siervo from 2010 to 2015.

Between 2006 and 2009 I was appointed as a research fellow in Nottingham University working with Professor Ian Macdonald on the effects of whey protein on appetite and the effect of meal frequency on health.

In 2005 I was a research associate at the University of Glasgow.

Between 1990 and 1999 I received training in the obesity clinic and then worked as part of department of Dietetics and the Clinical Nutrition support team, and the Physiology of Nutrition department at the National Institute of Medical Sciences and Nutrition "Salvador Zubiran" in Mexico City, Mexico.

Campus Address

Ellison Building, Room A324

  • Please visit the Pure Research Information Portal for further information
  • An expert consensus statement on biomarkers of ageing for use in intervention studies, Perri, G., French, C., Agostinis-Sobrinho, C., Anand, A., Antarianto, R., Arai, Y., Baur, J., Cauli, O., Clivaz-Duc, M., Colloca, G., Demetriades, C., de Lucia, C., Di Gessa, G., Diniz, B., Dotchin, C., Eaglestone, G., Elliott, B., Espeland, M., Ferrucci, L., Fisher, J., Grammatopoulos, D., Hardiany, N., Hassan-Smith, Z., Hastings, W., Jain, S., Joshi, P., Katsila, T., Kemp, G., Khaiyat, O., Lamming, D., Gallegos, J., Madeo, F., Maier, A., Martin-Ruiz, C., Martins, I., Mathers, J., Mattin, L., Merchant, R., Moskalev, A., Neytchev, O., Ni Lochlainn, M., Owen, C., Phillips, S., Pratt, J., Prokopidis, K., Rattray, N., Rúa-Alonso, M., Schomburg, L., Scott, D., Shyam, S., Sillanpää, E., Tan, M., Teh, R., Tobin, S., Vila-Chã, C., Vorluni, L., Weber, D., Welch, A., Wilson, D., Wilson, T., Zhao, T., Philippou, E., Korolchuk, V., Shannon, O. 21 Dec 2024, In: Journals of Gerontology - Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences
  • Inter-Individual Responses to a Blueberry Intervention across Multiple Endpoints, Wang, Y., Haskell-Ramsay, C., Gallegos, J., Lodge, J. 20 Mar 2024, In: Nutrients
  • Effects of chronic consumption of specific fruit (berries, cherries and citrus) on cognitive health: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials, Wang, Y., Haskell-Ramsay, C., Lara Gallegos, J., Lodge, J. 1 Jan 2023, In: European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
  • Substituting meat for mycoprotein reduces genotoxicity and increases the abundance of beneficial microbes in the gut: Mycomeat, a randomised crossover control trial, Farsi, D., Lara Gallegos, J., Koutsidis, G., Finnigan, T., Cheung, W., Muñoz-Muñoz, J., Commane, D. 1 Apr 2023, In: European Journal of Nutrition
  • The effects of extra virgin olive oil or butter on cardiovascular biomarkers in European and Chinese males in the UK: A pilot randomised crossover trial, Liang, F., Lara Gallegos, J., Young, J., Koutsidis, G. 18 Jul 2023, In: Nutrition and Health
  • The effects of substituting red and processed meat for mycoprotein on biomarkers of cardiovascular risk in healthy volunteers: an analysis of secondary endpoints from Mycomeat, Farsi, D., Lara Gallegos, J., Finnigan, T., Cheung, W., Muñoz-Muñoz, J., Commane, D. 1 Dec 2023, In: European Journal of Nutrition
  • Association of meat, vegetarian, pescatarian and fish-poultry diets with risk of 19 cancer sites and all cancer: findings from the UK Biobank prospective cohort study and meta-analysis, Parra-Soto, S., Ahumada, D., Petermann-Rocha, F., Boonpoor, J., Gallegos, J., Anderson, J., Sharp, L., Malcomson, F., Livingstone, K., Mathers, J., Pell, J., Ho, F., Celis-Morales, C. 24 Feb 2022, In: BMC Medicine
  • Effects of Blueberry Consumption on Cardiovascular Health in Healthy Adults: A Cross-Over Randomised Controlled Trial, Wang, Y., Gallegos, J., Haskell-Ramsay, C., Lodge, J. 21 Jun 2022, In: Nutrients
  • Global prevalence of sarcopenia and severe sarcopenia: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Petermann-Rocha, F., Balntzi, V., Gray, S., Lara, J., Ho, F., Pell, J., Celis-Morales, C. Feb 2022, In: Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle
  • Correction to: Effects of chronic consumption of specific fruit (berries, citrus and cherries) on CVD risk factors: a systematic review and meta‑analysis of randomised controlled trials (European Journal of Nutrition, (2021), 60, 2, (615-639), 10.1007/s00394-020-02299-w), Wang, Y., Gallegos, J., Haskell-Ramsay, C., Lodge, J. 1 Mar 2021, In: European Journal of Nutrition

Ailsa Marsh Impact of oranges on nutritional and health biomarkers Start Date: 14/10/2024

Science PhD February 29 2016

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