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Hello, guys! I’m Alya Omar, a 3rd year student from Malaysia who’s currently studying English Literature with Creative Writing here at Northumbria University.

I’m an optimistic individual with a wide variety of interests including, but not limited to:

  • Mythology – Especially Greek/Roman! I’m particularly fond of Rick Riordan’s Percy Jackson and the Olympians, which basically sealed my love for Greek myth. Don’t buy what you saw in the movies; the books are a different thing!
  • History – Lately I’ve been researching the late 18th/early 19th century America/Europe for a story that I’m working on. Fun stuff, really.
  • Drawing/Writing – A good way to pass the time between study breaks!
  • Video Games – One of the best ways to reward yourself after a long day! Some of my favourite titles are Dragon Age, Fire Emblem: Awakening and Assassin’s Creed.

Author Bio Alya Inpage350The reason I chose Northumbria for my course was because they offered a good balance of modules, especially those relating to my academic interests. Additionally, the facilities are excellent (like the library and Sports Central!) and the staff members are very helpful and friendly.

Looking back at my journey, I’m honestly glad I decided to come here. The experience has, overall, been super positive and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Due to reasons mentioned above, this job is my way of giving back to the university. I want to be able to show others that Northumbria is a wonderful place if one’s looking to make good memories whilst at university. Additionally, I want to help both prospective and current students in their university journey, and I truly believe our content will be just as beneficial for both parties visiting the site.

Through working as a Digital Content Creator, I hope to gain invaluable experience that will improve myself as an individual stepping out into the world. Beyond that, I hope I’ll be able to aid prospective students in making Northumbria their 1st choice for Higher Education.

Lastly, I realize that I’m not only representing my university but also the people who come from a similar background such as myself. Thus, I hope my articles will prove enjoyable and useful to those who read them! Hope you enjoy your time here! :)

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