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Professor Alistair Rieu-Clarke


Department: Northumbria Law School

Professor Rieu-Clarke's research interests lie in the interface between international law, sustainable development and transboundary waters. Alistair’s research has taken him to many of the major transboundary river basins in the world, and he has conducted several major multi-disciplinary research projects in Europe, Southern and Eastern Africa, Central America and South-East Asia.  Since September 2017, Alistair has been working as a legal advisor to one of the UN agencies responsible for the implementation of the SDGs, namely the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). As well as working for UNECE on SDG6.5.2 (transboundary water cooperation), Alistair has assisted in the implementation of the pilot reporting mechanism under the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes.  

Alistair Rieu-Clarke

Campus Address

Room 343, City Campus East
School of Law, Northumbria University

  • Please visit the Pure Research Information Portal for further information
  • Editorial: Doubling global hydropower capacity by 2050 – what about the transboundary dimension?, Edum, C., Rieu-Clarke, A., McIntyre, O., Tignino, M. 2 Jul 2024, In: Frontiers in Climate
  • Checklist for Assessing the international law applicable to transboundary hydropower, Adjei, B., Daza Vargas, A., Devlaeminck, D., Hensengerth, O., Kasimbazi, E., Lingjie, K., McIntyre, O., Rieu-Clarke, A., Spijkers, O., Wouters, P. 2023
  • Do needs motivate the exchange of data in transboundary waters?: Insights from Africa’s shared basins, Mukuyu, P., Lautze, J., Rieu-Clarke, A., Saruchera, D., McCartney, M. 17 Nov 2023, In: Water International
  • Advances in Monitoring Transboundary Water Cooperation? Reflecting on the Development and Implementation of SDG Indicator 6.5.2, Rieu-Clarke, A., Bernardinib, F., Tiefenauer-Linardon, S., Aurelid, A. 3 Apr 2022, In: Water International
  • Can reporting enhance transboundary water cooperation? Early insights from the Water Convention and the Sustainable Development Goals reporting exercise, Rieu-clarke, A. 1 Nov 2020, In: Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law
  • The devil’s in the details: data exchange in transboundary waters, Mukuyu, P., Lautze, J., Rieu-Clarke, A., Saruchera, D., McCartney, M. 2020, In: Water International
  • The duty to take appropriate measures to prevent significant transboundary harm and private companies: insights from transboundary hydropower projects, Rieu-Clarke, A. 1 Dec 2020, In: International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics
  • Water diplomacy in the Helmand River Basin: Exploring the obstacles to cooperation within the shadow of anarchy, Nagheeby, M., Rieu-Clarke, A. 20 Nov 2020, River Basin Organizations in Water Diplomacy, London, Taylor & Francis
  • Monitoring water resources governance progress globally: Experiences from monitoring SDG indicator 6.5.1 on integrated water resources management implementation, Bertule, M., Glennie, P., Bjørnsen, P., Lloyd, G., Kjellen, M., Dalton, J., Rieu-Clarke, A., Romano, O., Tropp, H., Newton, J., Harlin, J. 27 Nov 2018, In: Water (Switzerland)
  • The role of valuation and bargaining in optimising transboundary watercourse treaty regimes, Rieu-Clarke, A. Jun 2018, In: International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics

  • Mohsen Nagheeby Anarchy and the Law of International Watercourses: Unpacking the role of equitable and reasonable utilization principle in the pursuit of water conflict transformation Start Date: 21/01/2019 End Date: 28/09/2021
  • Laure-Elise Mayard Contributing to integrated sustainable development through a transnational law approach. Exploiting the linkages between economic, environmental and human rights legal regimes as applied to hydropower projects on the Mekong River Start Date: 21/01/2019 End Date: 25/11/2021
  • Panithan Thiempetch Procedural Obligations of States Presented in International Law When Proposing Hydropower Development Project in the Lower Mekong Basin Through the Xayaburi Project Case Study Start Date: 13/11/2017 End Date: 21/01/2022
  • Milena Oravcova Start Date: 01/10/2024

Law PhD September 01 2004

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