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Hollie - Resized


  • Hollie Scorer, 22, aspiring journalist, fashion fanatic, taller than your average girl.

Bit of info?

  • Third year Journalism student from Newcastle.

  • Fashion is something that rules my life and unfortunately my bank account simultaneously.  I love that it moulds individual identity and is the best form of self expression. Marie Clare, Elle and Vogue are some of my favourite reads as well as blogs such as Olivia Palmero and 'Thrifts and Threads'.

  • I'm a chronic 'filmy' (and more recently TV series binger). Shamefully, there are very few films I'm unaware of or won't have seen at some point. Favourites would have to be American psycho, The devils advocate, Django unchained and Juno (bit of a contrast but there you have it). Also been loving American Horror Story and Stranger things lately and Gossip girl- always.

  • Can't physically survive without chocolate anything. Or caffeine.

  • Always loved writing creatively and hope to write for publication in the future. 

Why Here?

  • Choosing Northumbria over other universities was quite simply a no-brainer.  The course (Journalism BA) is tailored to everything that interests and inspires me , the staff are highly professional and of course have tonnes of industry experience, (it's well worth listening to the stories from previous jobs and journo experiences.) As a student you're in extremely safe hands and your voice is there to be heard. Campus is ever-improving to suit student needs and it's looking better than ever. The vibrancy and welcoming nature of the city is enough to convince you to stay. With a buzzing shopping, eating and nightlife scene, dull moments are a rarity.

Why This?

  • The Hubstar role stood out to me immediately because it compliments my skill set perfectly while remaining engaging. Also, as a lowly sixth form student tediously applying to universities, there was a lot of things I was unaware of and would've liked to know or understand further. It's vital when making such an important decision, that you know exactly what's to come. For instance, living arrangements, the ethos of your chosen university, cash management, where to go for help, and just generally how to 'adult'. I hope that my work on this site puts you at ease  and provides you with all the need-to-know's you require before making that all important decision (hopefully doesn't bore you to tears as a bonus).

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