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James Wade

Assistant Professor

Department: Nursing, Midwifery & Health

HLS_Northumbria -University -Staff _James -Wade _LecturerJames specialised in Critical Care Nursing before becoming a Cardiology Specialist Nurse working into primary, secondary and tertiary care services.  James passion for education and training soon resulted in him being seconded into the NHS Trusts Education and Training Department. 

James has worked on a number of National and Regional developments such as the Widening Participation Agenda and Foundation Degree Developments that included work on NHS Service Improvement Degrees and Assistant Practitioner developments.  More recently James was part of a National Working Group working into the Department of Health that produced the first National Minimum Training Set and Code of Conduct for Health Care Assistants in the UK.  James in his last NHS post managed the Staff Development Unit for a large NHS teaching Hospital and again worked on a wide range of both clinical and non-clinical developments.

Within his role as a Senior Lecturer James is a Guidance Tutor, Module lead, Practice Learning Team Lead and also contributes to several other modules across the three year curriculum. James is passionate about improving patient safety and developing and supporting students to become highly competent, confident and compassionate nurses. James is Project Operational Lead for 18 month Work Based BSc (Hons) Nursing Studies\Registered Nurse Programme- the first of its type nationally. 

James is currently undertaking his PhD, looking at the relationship between Registered Nurses and Health Care Assistants while supporting Student Nurses clinical learning. 

  • Please visit the Pure Research Information Portal for further information
  • Grading practice as a strategy to improve proficiencies in undergraduate nurse education: Modelling key areas of competence, Annesley, S., Platt, A., Wade, J., Tomietto, M. 1 Sep 2023, In: Nurse Education Today
  • Using theatre to increase understanding of learning disabilities, Wade, J., Brandon, T., MacKnight, J., Hills-Wilson , C., Beeks , D. 3 Nov 2020, In: Nursing Times
  • Leadership and Followership in Interprofessional Learning Groups, Crozier, S., Derbyshire, J., Machin, A., Wade, J. 8 Mar 2019, The Commonwealth Nurses & Midwives Federation 13th European Regional Conference
  • 'All together now’: a participatory approach to Venous-thromboembolism prevention education, Ford, C., Wade, J., Monaghan, J., Bradley, G., Stephens, J. 27 Sep 2016, Newcastle Trust Education Conference 2016
  • ‘All together now’: a participatory approach to Venous-thromboembolism prevention education., Wade, J., Stephens, J., Ford, C., Bradley, G., Monaghan, J. 9 Dec 2015, Health Education North East Quality Conference

  • Please visit the Pure Research Information Portal for further information
  • Oral presentation: A roadmap to success: Embedding interprofessional learning in the university curriculum and HLS Faculty to promote experiential learning and collaborative practice. 2024
  • Invited talk: Case study - Northumbria University 2023
  • Oral presentation: RCN International Nursing Research Conference 2023 Grading practice as a strategy to improve proficiencies in undergraduate nurse education: modelling key areas of competence. Friday, 8th September - 13:05: Poster tour C 2023
  • Consultancy: Preparing clinical practice staff for the use of coaching principles in practice supervision and assessment 2021
  • Hosting an academic visitor: Gumi University 2020
  • Oral presentation: All together now: a participatory approach to venous-thromboembolism prevention education 2016

  • Education PGDipEd August 29 2014
  • Nursing BA (Hons) September 10 2012
  • Nursing Related Studies MA May 31 2011
  • Nurse Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) 2016
  • Fellow (FHEA) Higher Education Academy (HEA) 2013

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