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Please note, we are showing standard entry requirements on this page. Clearing entry requirements are subject to change. The points will only be confirmed once you call the Clearing Hotline.

This innovative course allows you to top up your existing qualifications to an honour’s degree in two years full-time or three years sandwich, whilst benefiting from all that Northumbria University and the city of Newcastle has to offer.

This new course has been designed to give you the ideal balance between a broad understanding of how businesses operate globally in an increasingly competitive environment, balanced with specialist knowledge of marketing in an industry focused curriculum.

This course supports your academic skills development and employability opportunities while providing knowledge of contemporary business management models and frameworks while developing your expertise about the theory and practice of marketing.

The course includes a range of marketing modules such as market research and planning, responsible marketing strategy, and digital and data driven marketing. With a marketing specialism as part of your degree award, you’ll have an extra edge in employability you will build your professional and practice capabilities through problem-based and experiential learning. This approach will equip you with the skills and qualities sought by employers across the private, public, and not-for-profit (NFP) sectors that underpin successful enterprise. 

There’s plenty of support for you to develop the academic study skills that are required. Whatever your background, we’ll help you take the more critical, deeper, and research-informed approach that’s needed for an honour’s degree at a UK university.

Why choose Northumbria to study Global Business Management (Marketing)?

Top 10: Business Studies at Northumbria is ranked 6th in the UK (Daily Mail University Guide, 2025).

Research Powerhouse: Business and Management is ranked 9th in the UK for research power (REF, 2021). This is a rise of 51 places, the largest rise in the sector. 

Accredited Degree: This course is covered by the prestigious Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) accreditation for Newcastle Business School. According to AACSB, 'Approximately 6% of the world's schools offering business degree education have achieved AACSB accreditation, demonstrating a commitment to high-quality, rigorous standards, innovation, and continuous process improvement'. Read more about our 'double' AACSB Accreditation.


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See other similar courses you may be interested in: Marketing BA


Course Information


Level of Study

Mode of Study
2 years Full Time or 3 years with a placement (sandwich)/study abroad

Newcastle Business School

City Campus, Northumbria University


September 2025

Fee Information

Module Information

Department / Newcastle Business School

Newcastle Business School has a global reputation for delivering some of the best business management education in the UK.

Student sat on Northumbria campus reading book, dressed in blue

Newcastle Business School

Alexander Lukashenko et al. posing for a photo

Consultancy Projects

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Entry Requirements 2025/26

Standard Entry

Standard Entry

BTEC HNC or equivalent in a related subject.

If you have taken a BTEC HNC programme, we will usually expect you to have performed to an average of Merit standard.

International Qualifications:

We welcome applicants with a range of qualifications which may not match those shown above.

If you have qualifications from outside the UK, find out what you need by visiting

English Language Requirements:

International applicants should have a minimum overall IELTS (Academic) score of 6.0 with 5.5 in each component (or an approved equivalent*).

*The university accepts a large number of UK and International Qualifications in place of IELTS. You can find details of acceptable tests and the required grades in our English Language section:

Fees and Funding 2025/26 Entry

UK Fee in Year 1: £9,535

* The University may increase fees for subsequent years of study at our discretion in line with any inflationary uplift as decided by the UK Government up to the maximum amount for fees permitted by UK law or regulation for that academic year. To give students an indication of the likely scale of any future increase, the UK government has recently suggested that increases may be linked to RPIX ( Retail Price Index excluding mortgage interest payments)

International Fee in Year 1: £20,950

Please see the main Funding Pages for 25/26 scholarship information.



There are no Additional Costs

If you’d like to receive the latest updates from Northumbria about our courses, events, finance & funding then enter your details below.

* At Northumbria we are strongly committed to protecting the privacy of personal data. To view the University’s Privacy Notice please click here


Module information is indicative and is reviewed annually therefore may be subject to change. Applicants will be informed if there are any changes.

GA5001 -

Academic Language Skills for Newcastle Business School (Core – for International and EU students only,0 Credits)

Academic skills when studying away from your home country can differ due to cultural and language differences in teaching and assessment practices. This module is designed to support your transition in the use and practice of technical language and subject specific skills around assessments and teaching provision in your chosen subject. The overall aim of this module is to develop your abilities to read and study effectively for academic purposes; to develop your skills in analysing and using source material in seminars and academic writing and to develop your use and application of language and communications skills to a higher level.

The topics you will cover on the module include:

• Understanding assignment briefs and exam questions.
• Developing academic writing skills, including citation, paraphrasing, and summarising.
• Practising ‘critical reading’ and ‘critical writing’
• Planning and structuring academic assignments (e.g. essays, reports and presentations).
• Avoiding academic misconduct and gaining credit by using academic sources and referencing effectively.
• Listening skills for lectures.
• Speaking in seminar presentations.
• Presenting your ideas
• Giving discipline-related academic presentations, experiencing peer observation, and receiving formative feedback.
• Speed reading techniques.
• Developing self-reflection skills.

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HR9537 -

Management Research and Analysis (Core,20 Credits)

In this research-based module you will experience a comprehensive coverage of research methods and analysis that will prepare you both for work placement or study abroad opportunities alongside preparation for your final-year “capstone” research module of either Dissertation, Management Enquiry or Consultancy Project and for your future employment, enterprise or entrepreneurial activity.

You will learn how to develop a research question, and linked to this, be able to choose an appropriate method of research, dovetailing both learning experiences to the development of a critical assessment of the academic literature. You will gain a basic understanding of research philosophy, whilst the coverage and importance given to research ethics will play an important part of your learning within the module and you will appreciate as part of your learning how this underpins research of quality and integrity. The role of Ethics in research will cover study design, participant selection, data collection, data handling and storage and presentation of research findings.

You will learn how to apply quantitative and qualitative methods. In the quantitative applications, you will learn about questionnaire design, sampling, presenting and summarising data, statistical inference and hypothesis testing. You will have the opportunity to use a range of appropriate software tools, including Excel and SPSS. In the qualitative part of the module, techniques covered will include interviewing and focus groups to collect data, supported by analysis methods including content analysis and thematic analysis. You will learn how to execute a critical and effective analysis of your research data for both approaches, as well as appreciating the importance of piloting.

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HR9588 -

Academic Skills and Employability (Core,20 Credits)

This module has twin aims, firstly supporting your transition into UK higher education by developing your specific skills and attributes to both manage your studies, and to communicate your ideas effectively within the academic community and give you an insight on how these skills contribute to your professional development. The second aim is to equip you with the necessary knowledge and transferable skills to maximise your chances of finding a placement or entering a graduate level role on completion of your degree.

This module will provide you with the skills to manage your studies effectively at level 5. It develops your skills in effective communication, independent and critical thinking, and explores how these can be applied to independent research projects. You will consider how to effectively manage yourself and your studies, how to find appropriate information and use this in your academic writing, develop your academic voice across different communication styles, as well as developing your critical and ethical skills in your studies.

The module evolves through group work and independent study, exploring the concept of employability and career development. You will examine the process of recruitment and selection, and be supported in the production of CVs, cover letters and the use of psychometric tests in order to ensure that you make an impactful application to any employer.

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MK9525 -

Digital Business: Models, Marketing and Operations (Core,20 Credits)

Throughout this module you will be introduced to the opportunities and challenges posed by doing business in an increasingly digital domain. This module is designed to give you an understanding of how using online channels impacts upon different parts of the organisation, and will focus upon 3 core areas of business:

• Digital Business Models: You will develop an understanding of the cost structures associated with using digital channels and different business models (including omnichannel business strategies)
• Digital Marketing: In this part of the module you will consider how consumer behaviour has changed in the digital era, and evaluate the ever-increasing range of digital tools available for marketers online. This will include understanding Google search rankings, social media and mobile marketing.
• Supply Chain Management and Information Systems: You will also develop an appreciation of the role of supply chains in serving global markets, addressing issues such as the application of various systems to facilitate digital transactions (e.g. ERP, CRM) and issues related to web performance.

You will be encouraged to think about digital business as a cross-disciplinary issue that requires the buy-in and contribution of various business functions to truly succeed.

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MK9526 -

Market Research and Planning (Core,20 Credits)

The aim of this module is for you to develop a comprehensive understanding of the roles of ‘Marketing Planning’ and ‘Marketing Research’ in a successful organisation. Having already developed basic skills in research, this module will provide you with an understanding of how marketing planning and marketing research can assist managers, entrepreneurs and other stakeholders in their relentless pursuit of gaining competitive advantage.

First, the basics of marketing research are presented, enabling you to develop skills in applied qualitative and quantitative research. You will then learn the fundamentals of marketing planning, underpinned by the core components of the marketing mix and analysis frameworks and will then learn how to use marketing research in order to underpin marketing planning.

Upon completion of the module, you will be able to:

• Describe and explain the key theoretical terms and concepts of marketing research. You will furthermore receive first-hand experience of qualitative and quantitative marketing research in the interest of developing qualitative and quantitative marketing research skills.
• Describe and explain the key theoretical terms and concepts of marketing planning. In addition, you will have the appropriate skills to develop research-driven marketing plans.
• Make use of qualitative and quantitative research findings in the development of evidence-driven marketing strategy and marketing plans.

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MK9531 -

Communications and Content Marketing (Core,20 Credits)

This module involves you developing a foundational knowledge of key marketing communication methods, content marketing and learning to appreciate the basics of the ‘conversation’ that surrounds brands and campaigns on various platforms (including online).

The taught component of the module will include the following broad topics but will naturally evolve to include the most current developments in this fast-changing field:

Marcomms methods (i.e. - the Marketing Communications Mix).
Different channels to engage customers (offline / online).
The digital platforms and channels as an increasingly important aspect of modern marketing.
The borderless nature of the modern marketing environment - the audience can be, and often is, global.
Messages, big ideas and stories - developing a basic understanding of what engages audiences (i.e. - the ‘content’ of marketing campaigns).
The ‘word on the street’ - considering the fundamental elements of the ‘buzz’, hype, or conversation around a brand or company’s marketing campaign.
Measurement behind the methods – the basics of tracking and measuring the effectiveness of marketing communications on various platforms.
Ethical limits of marketing communications – appreciating that some messages are inappropriate or unfair for some audiences.

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NX9527 -

Newcastle Business School Study Abroad Semester (Optional,60 Credits)

The Study Abroad Semester module is a semester long 60 credit module which is available on degree courses which include the option to study abroad in Semester 2 of Year 2. You will undertake a semester abroad at a partner university equivalent to 60 UK credits.

The study abroad placement is an important element of your course structure and gives you access to modules from your discipline taught in a different learning culture and so broadens your overall experience of learning.

When taken and passed the study abroad semester will be recognised in your transcript as a 60 credit Study Abroad Module. The learning and teaching on your study abroad placement will be dependent on the partner and will be recorded in the learning agreement signed by you, the host University, and the University.

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SM9532 -

Strategic Frameworks and Cultural Contexts in International Management (Core,20 Credits)

This module aims to provide you with an understanding of and an introduction to the application of key strategic decision making aspects and their interface with cultural contexts. The module extends and develops your learnings from Level 4 (in Global Business Environment). The introduction to global forces shaping international business and the macro business environments at level 4- are taken forward to engage strategic frameworks that businesses may deploy to inform international business.

1. Key cultural paradigms in relation to international business
2. Cultural differences as the Big C in CAGE framework and its application
3. International market entry and growth
4. Introduction to IB strategy frameworks such as Porter’s national diamond, CAGE framework (extending the analytical perspective provided by the Big C, triple A framework and the Bartlett and Ghoshal continuums of choices. Porter’s five forces and generic strategies also put in context)
5. Communicating across cultures
6. Identify and evaluate the issues relating to the management of internationally mobile employees
7. International business protocol
8. Ethics and Responsible Business in context of growth, localised contexts of international markets and managing the value chain in international business

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NX9525 -

Newcastle Business School Work Placement Year (Optional,120 Credits)

The Work Placement Year module is a full year 120 credit module available on degree courses which include a work placement year which is taken as an additional year of study between levels 5 and 6. The placement consists of 48 weeks of full time work experience in a host organisation which is relevant to your studies.

The placement is an important element of your course structure and it will provide you with the opportunity to:

• Experience the environment of a real workplace which will help you decide the type of career you would like to follow after graduation
• Develop your organisational and interpersonal skills required to enable you to work efficiently as a member of a team
• Acquire and develop relevant technical skills associated with the nature of your work
• Identify, analyse and discuss with experienced practitioners how theoretical concepts are adapted and applied to suit practical requirements
• Apply knowledge that will help you to plan and evaluate future study and career development.

This is a Pass/Fail module and so does not contribute to your degree classification. When taken and passed, however, the Placement Year is recognised in your transcript as a 120 credit Work Placement Module and on your degree certificate in the format “Degree title (with Work Placement Year)”. The learning and teaching on your placement will be recorded in the training agreement signed by you, the placement provider, and the University.

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NX9526 -

Newcastle Business School Study Abroad Year (Optional,120 Credits)

The Study Abroad Year module is a full year 120 credit module which is available on degree courses which include a study abroad year which is taken as an additional year of study between levels 5 and 6. You will undertake a year abroad at a partner university equivalent to 120 UK credits.

The study abroad placement is an important element of your course structure and gives you access to modules from your discipline taught in a different learning culture and so broadens your overall experience of learning. At the end of the module you will have adapted to and appreciated a different cultural and learning environment and developed ability. You will have developed your interpersonal and intercultural communication skills as a result of your learning in an international environment.

This is a Pass/Fail module and so does not contribute to your degree classification. When taken and passed, however, the Study Abroad Year is recognised in your transcript as a 120 credit Study Abroad Module and on your degree certificate in the format “Degree title (with Study Abroad Year)”. The learning and teaching on your study abroad placement will be dependent on the partner and will be recorded in the learning agreement signed by you, the host University, and the University.

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NX9528 -

Newcastle Business School Blended Placement Year: Work Placement Semester (Optional,60 Credits)

The Work Placement Semester module is a semester long 60 credit module which is available on degree courses which include the option to take a blended placement year of Work and Study Abroad which is taken as an additional year of study between levels 5 and 6.

On this module you will undertake a semester long work placement. The placement consists of a period of full time work experience in a host organisation equivalent to a full semester of study which is relevant to your studies.

The placement is an important element of your course structure and it will provide you with the opportunity to:

• Experience the environment of a real workplace which will help you decide the type of career you would like to follow after graduation
• Develop your organisational and interpersonal skills required to enable you to work efficiently as a member of a team
• Acquire and develop relevant technical skills associated with the nature of your work
• Identify, analyse and discuss with experienced practitioners how theoretical concepts are adapted and applied to suit practical requirements
• Apply knowledge that will help you to plan and evaluate future study and career development.

This is a Pass/Fail module and so does not contribute to your degree classification. When taken and passed, however, the Placement Year is recognised in your transcript as a 60 credit Work Placement Module. The learning and teaching on your placement will be recorded in the training agreement signed by you, the placement provider, and the University. Combining this with the study abroad semester as part of the third year out of the University, this will be recognised on your degree certificate in the format “Degree title (with Study Abroad and Work Placement Year)”.

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NX9529 -

Newcastle Business School Blended Placement Year: Study Abroad Semester (Optional,60 Credits)

The Study Abroad Semester module is a semester long 60 credit module which is available on degree courses which include the option to take a blended placement year of Work and Study Abroad which is taken as an additional year of study between levels 5 and 6.

You will undertake a semester abroad at a partner university equivalent to 60 UK credits.

The study abroad placement is an important element of your course structure and gives you access to modules from your discipline taught in a different learning culture and so broadens your overall experience of learning. When taken and passed the study abroad semester will be recognised in your transcript as a 60 credit Study Abroad Module. The learning and teaching on your study abroad placement will be dependent on the partner and will be recorded in the learning agreement signed by you, the host University, and the University. Combining this with the work placement semester as part of the third year out of the University, this will be recognised on your degree certificate in the format “Degree title (with Study Abroad and Work Placement Year)”.

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BM9615 -

Project Management (Core,20 Credits)

In this module, you will learn about the role of a project and project manager in organisations and the concepts and techniques required to manage the core aspects of a project.

The main topics covered include the core knowledge areas outlined in A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) published by Project Management Institute (PMI) as well as essential fundamental theories, knowledge, and techniques required to manage a project in contemporary business settings.

These topics include:
• Defining project characteristics, lifecycle, and activities.
• Understanding how projects drive change and achieve strategic goals in organisations.
• Realising the role of the project and project manager in various organisational structures and cultures.
• Managing core project aspects, such as stakeholder relationships, scope, cost, schedule, and risk.
• Distinguishing traditional, agile, and extreme project management approaches.

Drawing on contemporary project management research and business case studies, this module will develop your knowledge, skills, and confidence in managing projects and your learning with take place though lectures and practical IT workshops. Your learning will expose you to a wide range of project management examples (successful and unsuccessful) and project management approaches (classic and contemporary) to broaden your understanding of project management in a dynamic business setting. You will be given opportunities to work as a team and develop essential project management documents for a chosen project.

On completing this module, you will be able to utilise appropriate project management techniques and technical skills to effectively and efficiently manage different projects and you will be able to critically challenge the assumptions and existing practices in project management.

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MK9626 -

Responsible Marketing Strategy (Core,20 Credits)

The module provides students with a comprehensive understanding of concepts, theories and techniques in the context of strategic marketing, responsible marketing and sustainability. The intension is to support the development of knowledge and skills required to undertake strategic analysis of markets and organisations and formulate a competitive, responsible marketing strategy. A contemporary approach to marketing is adopted throughout the module, as you will have the opportunity to learn and discuss the concepts that have changed the way we perceive marketing today. In doing so you will examine, both theoretically and practically, a number of areas associated with responsible marketing strategies, such as:

Theme 1 Contemporary Strategic Marketing
• Marketing Audit and key trends that impact on marketing and the society
• Contemporary Marketing Research and Planning
• New product development and Disruptive Innovation
• Service-Dominant Logic and Value co-creation/Co-destruction
• Developing and implementing appropriate marketing strategies and metrics

Theme 2 Responsible Marketing
• Ethics and Sustainability in a marketing context
• Responsible Marketing strategies and Sustainable Development Goals
• Sustainable Consumer Behaviour and Ethical Consumerism
• Sustainability, Ethics and New Media
• The Future of Sustainability and Responsible Marketing

On completing the module, you will be able to critically evaluate the usefulness of marketing knowledge in the context of responsible business and sustainable consumer behaviour and apply theory to develop appropriate marketing strategies. You will also develop the skills required for effective Integration of learning from marketing and other business areas into a plan for solving business problems.

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MK9629 -

Digital and Data Driven Marketing (Core,20 Credits)

This module is designed to develop your skills in understanding how one-to-one forms of marketing communications, across offline and online channels, can be combined into an overall campaign to generate new customers and enhance existing relationships. To do this, the module is broken into three distinct themes:

• Principles of Direct and Digital Marketing: In this part of the module you will cover the fundamental practices in the direct marketing field, which will include acquisition and retention strategies, customer profiling and segmentation, database marketing, permission marketing and personalisation, relevant legislation and campaign testing.
• Digital Media: In this section you will explore the range of communications media available, ranging from traditional offline channels (such as direct mail and telemarketing) through to the ever-growing range of digital media options (including social media, email, web design and mobile commerce).
• Campaign Planning: Here you will be introduced to the principles of campaign design, from initial context analysis and goal setting through to campaign implementation and evaluation. You will be encouraged to combine different marketing communications tools as part of an integrated campaign and consider campsign budgeting and measurement.

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NX9624 -

Management Enquiry (Optional,40 Credits)

The Management Enquiry module is a student-led individual project that enables you to undertake a significant piece of assessed work commensurate with a capstone module. The module aims to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate an authentic engagement with managers and/or professionals in your discipline, and to integrate the knowledge you have developed during your programme to explore the theory in practice. The learning on this module is experiential and problem based, where the focus is upon you discovering, probing and questioning key practice-based issues. Through the module you will be offered the opportunity to develop and enhance key transferable employability skills including; time management, project management, communication (written, aural and verbal), negotiation, persuasion and influence, discovery, initiative, problem-solving and analysis.

The module has five thematic areas; explore, review, engage, reflect and connect. These form the key elements of the assessed submission.

Part A (35%, 3,500 Words)
• Explore: Interviewing a manager and/or professional in your discipline. In this interview you will either explore a key issue which you feel the discipline is facing or, alternatively, explore with the manager or professional the key issues that they feel they are facing in practice. It is expected that you will apply appropriate interview methods and provide evidence of the interview within the submitted enquiry report (e.g. within the appendices).
• Review: Critically examining the appropriate literature to support the exploration, displaying an ability to critically assess and appraise the knowledge of your discipline related to a specific key issue arising from your exploration.

Part B (65%, 6,500 Words)
• Engage: Displaying an authentic engagement with the discipline problem/issue identified in Part A, by collecting/generating and analysing further live data (beyond the initial interview) regarding the discipline problem/issue. This live data may be primary data (e.g. further interviews with, or questionnaire to, managers and/or professionals in practice) or secondary data (e.g. industry data). Application of appropriate, ethically-considered, research methods and appropriate qualitative or quantitative data analysis.
• Reflect and Connect: Demonstrating an ability to critically evaluate and reflect on the issues arising from the Management Enquiry. Demonstrating how you have connected and fed-back to the participants of the Enquiry (usually the manager and/or participants) your key findings to provide clear prioritised, well-justified, practical and actionable recommendations for change/enhancement/improvement to existing practice to show how the recommendations would potentially affect workplace professional decision making.

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NX9625 -

Dissertation (Optional,40 Credits)

The dissertation module aims to equip you with the necessary intellectual and practical skills for undertaking an individual student-led, ethical investigation into an applied business (or the named degree) problem or issue. In addition, the dissertation aims to equip you with key transferable, employability skills, including: time management, project management, communication (written and verbal), negotiation, persuasion and influence, discovery, initiative, creativity and innovation in problem-solving, analysis.

The module is student-led but you are supported by, initially, weekly lectures and seminar-workshops which provide an introduction to undertaking Business-Management research followed by one-to-one or small-group supervision meetings.
The lectures and seminar-workshops will cover the following topics:
1. Developing a research aim/question (focusing and scoping the research)
2. Developing a literature review
3. Writing a research proposal
4. Researching ethically
5. Quantitative research techniques
6. Qualitative research techniques
7. Quantitative analysis techniques
8. Qualitative analysis techniques

Upon completion of the module you will be able to:
1. Conduct independent and ethical academic research involving the application and critical evaluation of appropriate theories and models,
2. Engage critically with relevant literature to establish a framework in which to analyse and synthesise the results of your primary or secondary research
3. Generate / collect relevant primary or secondary data using an appropriate and justified method
4. Analyse your data using an appropriate and justified method of analysis
5. Recognise the ethical implications of your work
6. Critically evaluate the source of your data and the method you adopted

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NX9626 -

Undergraduate Consultancy Project (Optional,40 Credits)

The module aims to provide you with an opportunity to integrate the knowledge acquired during the programme and apply this to a consultancy project for a real organisation. This consultancy project provides a vehicle for participants to develop and demonstrate key employability skills, to relate theory to practice, and to undertake a significant piece of assessed work commensurate with a capstone module.

You will work on behalf of an external organisation, which has identified a business problem or question, requiring a solution, working in small group of typically 4 individuals (you will select their own team members), participating in group and individual activities. The host organisation will provide a project briefing, and review; students will be supported by appropriate academic input and guidance from Newcastle Business School in the form of a mentor and via the Business Clinic.

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SM9689 -

Responsible Strategy (Core,20 Credits)

In this module you will learn about the context of responsible strategic thinking, how to identify and explore sustainable business opportunities as a source of competitive advantage. You will gain an appreciation of the overarching principles of setting and executing a responsible and sustainable organisational strategy. Within the setting of these strategic objectives, you will understand how the associated responsible decision making will impact on both internal and external stakeholders. Your learning will span across private and public sector organisations, MNEs and SMEs and how each of different organisations and industries interact with the responsible and sustainable business opportunities and challenges.

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Module information is indicative and is reviewed annually therefore may be subject to change. Applicants will be informed if there are any changes.

GA5001 -

Academic Language Skills for Newcastle Business School (Core – for International and EU students only,0 Credits)

Academic skills when studying away from your home country can differ due to cultural and language differences in teaching and assessment practices. This module is designed to support your transition in the use and practice of technical language and subject specific skills around assessments and teaching provision in your chosen subject. The overall aim of this module is to develop your abilities to read and study effectively for academic purposes; to develop your skills in analysing and using source material in seminars and academic writing and to develop your use and application of language and communications skills to a higher level.

The topics you will cover on the module include:

• Understanding assignment briefs and exam questions.
• Developing academic writing skills, including citation, paraphrasing, and summarising.
• Practising ‘critical reading’ and ‘critical writing’
• Planning and structuring academic assignments (e.g. essays, reports and presentations).
• Avoiding academic misconduct and gaining credit by using academic sources and referencing effectively.
• Listening skills for lectures.
• Speaking in seminar presentations.
• Presenting your ideas
• Giving discipline-related academic presentations, experiencing peer observation, and receiving formative feedback.
• Speed reading techniques.
• Developing self-reflection skills.

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HR9537 -

Management Research and Analysis (Core,20 Credits)

In this research-based module you will experience a comprehensive coverage of research methods and analysis that will prepare you both for work placement or study abroad opportunities alongside preparation for your final-year “capstone” research module of either Dissertation, Management Enquiry or Consultancy Project and for your future employment, enterprise or entrepreneurial activity.

You will learn how to develop a research question, and linked to this, be able to choose an appropriate method of research, dovetailing both learning experiences to the development of a critical assessment of the academic literature. You will gain a basic understanding of research philosophy, whilst the coverage and importance given to research ethics will play an important part of your learning within the module and you will appreciate as part of your learning how this underpins research of quality and integrity. The role of Ethics in research will cover study design, participant selection, data collection, data handling and storage and presentation of research findings.

You will learn how to apply quantitative and qualitative methods. In the quantitative applications, you will learn about questionnaire design, sampling, presenting and summarising data, statistical inference and hypothesis testing. You will have the opportunity to use a range of appropriate software tools, including Excel and SPSS. In the qualitative part of the module, techniques covered will include interviewing and focus groups to collect data, supported by analysis methods including content analysis and thematic analysis. You will learn how to execute a critical and effective analysis of your research data for both approaches, as well as appreciating the importance of piloting.

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HR9588 -

Academic Skills and Employability (Core,20 Credits)

This module has twin aims, firstly supporting your transition into UK higher education by developing your specific skills and attributes to both manage your studies, and to communicate your ideas effectively within the academic community and give you an insight on how these skills contribute to your professional development. The second aim is to equip you with the necessary knowledge and transferable skills to maximise your chances of finding a placement or entering a graduate level role on completion of your degree.

This module will provide you with the skills to manage your studies effectively at level 5. It develops your skills in effective communication, independent and critical thinking, and explores how these can be applied to independent research projects. You will consider how to effectively manage yourself and your studies, how to find appropriate information and use this in your academic writing, develop your academic voice across different communication styles, as well as developing your critical and ethical skills in your studies.

The module evolves through group work and independent study, exploring the concept of employability and career development. You will examine the process of recruitment and selection, and be supported in the production of CVs, cover letters and the use of psychometric tests in order to ensure that you make an impactful application to any employer.

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MK9525 -

Digital Business: Models, Marketing and Operations (Core,20 Credits)

Throughout this module you will be introduced to the opportunities and challenges posed by doing business in an increasingly digital domain. This module is designed to give you an understanding of how using online channels impacts upon different parts of the organisation, and will focus upon 3 core areas of business:

• Digital Business Models: You will develop an understanding of the cost structures associated with using digital channels and different business models (including omnichannel business strategies)
• Digital Marketing: In this part of the module you will consider how consumer behaviour has changed in the digital era, and evaluate the ever-increasing range of digital tools available for marketers online. This will include understanding Google search rankings, social media and mobile marketing.
• Supply Chain Management and Information Systems: You will also develop an appreciation of the role of supply chains in serving global markets, addressing issues such as the application of various systems to facilitate digital transactions (e.g. ERP, CRM) and issues related to web performance.

You will be encouraged to think about digital business as a cross-disciplinary issue that requires the buy-in and contribution of various business functions to truly succeed.

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MK9526 -

Market Research and Planning (Core,20 Credits)

The aim of this module is for you to develop a comprehensive understanding of the roles of ‘Marketing Planning’ and ‘Marketing Research’ in a successful organisation. Having already developed basic skills in research, this module will provide you with an understanding of how marketing planning and marketing research can assist managers, entrepreneurs and other stakeholders in their relentless pursuit of gaining competitive advantage.

First, the basics of marketing research are presented, enabling you to develop skills in applied qualitative and quantitative research. You will then learn the fundamentals of marketing planning, underpinned by the core components of the marketing mix and analysis frameworks and will then learn how to use marketing research in order to underpin marketing planning.

Upon completion of the module, you will be able to:

• Describe and explain the key theoretical terms and concepts of marketing research. You will furthermore receive first-hand experience of qualitative and quantitative marketing research in the interest of developing qualitative and quantitative marketing research skills.
• Describe and explain the key theoretical terms and concepts of marketing planning. In addition, you will have the appropriate skills to develop research-driven marketing plans.
• Make use of qualitative and quantitative research findings in the development of evidence-driven marketing strategy and marketing plans.

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MK9531 -

Communications and Content Marketing (Core,20 Credits)

This module involves you developing a foundational knowledge of key marketing communication methods, content marketing and learning to appreciate the basics of the ‘conversation’ that surrounds brands and campaigns on various platforms (including online).

The taught component of the module will include the following broad topics but will naturally evolve to include the most current developments in this fast-changing field:

Marcomms methods (i.e. - the Marketing Communications Mix).
Different channels to engage customers (offline / online).
The digital platforms and channels as an increasingly important aspect of modern marketing.
The borderless nature of the modern marketing environment - the audience can be, and often is, global.
Messages, big ideas and stories - developing a basic understanding of what engages audiences (i.e. - the ‘content’ of marketing campaigns).
The ‘word on the street’ - considering the fundamental elements of the ‘buzz’, hype, or conversation around a brand or company’s marketing campaign.
Measurement behind the methods – the basics of tracking and measuring the effectiveness of marketing communications on various platforms.
Ethical limits of marketing communications – appreciating that some messages are inappropriate or unfair for some audiences.

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NX9527 -

Newcastle Business School Study Abroad Semester (Optional,60 Credits)

The Study Abroad Semester module is a semester long 60 credit module which is available on degree courses which include the option to study abroad in Semester 2 of Year 2. You will undertake a semester abroad at a partner university equivalent to 60 UK credits.

The study abroad placement is an important element of your course structure and gives you access to modules from your discipline taught in a different learning culture and so broadens your overall experience of learning.

When taken and passed the study abroad semester will be recognised in your transcript as a 60 credit Study Abroad Module. The learning and teaching on your study abroad placement will be dependent on the partner and will be recorded in the learning agreement signed by you, the host University, and the University.

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SM9532 -

Strategic Frameworks and Cultural Contexts in International Management (Core,20 Credits)

This module aims to provide you with an understanding of and an introduction to the application of key strategic decision making aspects and their interface with cultural contexts. The module extends and develops your learnings from Level 4 (in Global Business Environment). The introduction to global forces shaping international business and the macro business environments at level 4- are taken forward to engage strategic frameworks that businesses may deploy to inform international business.

1. Key cultural paradigms in relation to international business
2. Cultural differences as the Big C in CAGE framework and its application
3. International market entry and growth
4. Introduction to IB strategy frameworks such as Porter’s national diamond, CAGE framework (extending the analytical perspective provided by the Big C, triple A framework and the Bartlett and Ghoshal continuums of choices. Porter’s five forces and generic strategies also put in context)
5. Communicating across cultures
6. Identify and evaluate the issues relating to the management of internationally mobile employees
7. International business protocol
8. Ethics and Responsible Business in context of growth, localised contexts of international markets and managing the value chain in international business

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NX9525 -

Newcastle Business School Work Placement Year (Optional,120 Credits)

The Work Placement Year module is a full year 120 credit module available on degree courses which include a work placement year which is taken as an additional year of study between levels 5 and 6. The placement consists of 48 weeks of full time work experience in a host organisation which is relevant to your studies.

The placement is an important element of your course structure and it will provide you with the opportunity to:

• Experience the environment of a real workplace which will help you decide the type of career you would like to follow after graduation
• Develop your organisational and interpersonal skills required to enable you to work efficiently as a member of a team
• Acquire and develop relevant technical skills associated with the nature of your work
• Identify, analyse and discuss with experienced practitioners how theoretical concepts are adapted and applied to suit practical requirements
• Apply knowledge that will help you to plan and evaluate future study and career development.

This is a Pass/Fail module and so does not contribute to your degree classification. When taken and passed, however, the Placement Year is recognised in your transcript as a 120 credit Work Placement Module and on your degree certificate in the format “Degree title (with Work Placement Year)”. The learning and teaching on your placement will be recorded in the training agreement signed by you, the placement provider, and the University.

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NX9526 -

Newcastle Business School Study Abroad Year (Optional,120 Credits)

The Study Abroad Year module is a full year 120 credit module which is available on degree courses which include a study abroad year which is taken as an additional year of study between levels 5 and 6. You will undertake a year abroad at a partner university equivalent to 120 UK credits.

The study abroad placement is an important element of your course structure and gives you access to modules from your discipline taught in a different learning culture and so broadens your overall experience of learning. At the end of the module you will have adapted to and appreciated a different cultural and learning environment and developed ability. You will have developed your interpersonal and intercultural communication skills as a result of your learning in an international environment.

This is a Pass/Fail module and so does not contribute to your degree classification. When taken and passed, however, the Study Abroad Year is recognised in your transcript as a 120 credit Study Abroad Module and on your degree certificate in the format “Degree title (with Study Abroad Year)”. The learning and teaching on your study abroad placement will be dependent on the partner and will be recorded in the learning agreement signed by you, the host University, and the University.

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NX9528 -

Newcastle Business School Blended Placement Year: Work Placement Semester (Optional,60 Credits)

The Work Placement Semester module is a semester long 60 credit module which is available on degree courses which include the option to take a blended placement year of Work and Study Abroad which is taken as an additional year of study between levels 5 and 6.

On this module you will undertake a semester long work placement. The placement consists of a period of full time work experience in a host organisation equivalent to a full semester of study which is relevant to your studies.

The placement is an important element of your course structure and it will provide you with the opportunity to:

• Experience the environment of a real workplace which will help you decide the type of career you would like to follow after graduation
• Develop your organisational and interpersonal skills required to enable you to work efficiently as a member of a team
• Acquire and develop relevant technical skills associated with the nature of your work
• Identify, analyse and discuss with experienced practitioners how theoretical concepts are adapted and applied to suit practical requirements
• Apply knowledge that will help you to plan and evaluate future study and career development.

This is a Pass/Fail module and so does not contribute to your degree classification. When taken and passed, however, the Placement Year is recognised in your transcript as a 60 credit Work Placement Module. The learning and teaching on your placement will be recorded in the training agreement signed by you, the placement provider, and the University. Combining this with the study abroad semester as part of the third year out of the University, this will be recognised on your degree certificate in the format “Degree title (with Study Abroad and Work Placement Year)”.

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NX9529 -

Newcastle Business School Blended Placement Year: Study Abroad Semester (Optional,60 Credits)

The Study Abroad Semester module is a semester long 60 credit module which is available on degree courses which include the option to take a blended placement year of Work and Study Abroad which is taken as an additional year of study between levels 5 and 6.

You will undertake a semester abroad at a partner university equivalent to 60 UK credits.

The study abroad placement is an important element of your course structure and gives you access to modules from your discipline taught in a different learning culture and so broadens your overall experience of learning. When taken and passed the study abroad semester will be recognised in your transcript as a 60 credit Study Abroad Module. The learning and teaching on your study abroad placement will be dependent on the partner and will be recorded in the learning agreement signed by you, the host University, and the University. Combining this with the work placement semester as part of the third year out of the University, this will be recognised on your degree certificate in the format “Degree title (with Study Abroad and Work Placement Year)”.

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BM9615 -

Project Management (Core,20 Credits)

In this module, you will learn about the role of a project and project manager in organisations and the concepts and techniques required to manage the core aspects of a project.

The main topics covered include the core knowledge areas outlined in A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) published by Project Management Institute (PMI) as well as essential fundamental theories, knowledge, and techniques required to manage a project in contemporary business settings.

These topics include:
• Defining project characteristics, lifecycle, and activities.
• Understanding how projects drive change and achieve strategic goals in organisations.
• Realising the role of the project and project manager in various organisational structures and cultures.
• Managing core project aspects, such as stakeholder relationships, scope, cost, schedule, and risk.
• Distinguishing traditional, agile, and extreme project management approaches.

Drawing on contemporary project management research and business case studies, this module will develop your knowledge, skills, and confidence in managing projects and your learning with take place though lectures and practical IT workshops. Your learning will expose you to a wide range of project management examples (successful and unsuccessful) and project management approaches (classic and contemporary) to broaden your understanding of project management in a dynamic business setting. You will be given opportunities to work as a team and develop essential project management documents for a chosen project.

On completing this module, you will be able to utilise appropriate project management techniques and technical skills to effectively and efficiently manage different projects and you will be able to critically challenge the assumptions and existing practices in project management.

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MK9626 -

Responsible Marketing Strategy (Core,20 Credits)

The module provides students with a comprehensive understanding of concepts, theories and techniques in the context of strategic marketing, responsible marketing and sustainability. The intension is to support the development of knowledge and skills required to undertake strategic analysis of markets and organisations and formulate a competitive, responsible marketing strategy. A contemporary approach to marketing is adopted throughout the module, as you will have the opportunity to learn and discuss the concepts that have changed the way we perceive marketing today. In doing so you will examine, both theoretically and practically, a number of areas associated with responsible marketing strategies, such as:

Theme 1 Contemporary Strategic Marketing
• Marketing Audit and key trends that impact on marketing and the society
• Contemporary Marketing Research and Planning
• New product development and Disruptive Innovation
• Service-Dominant Logic and Value co-creation/Co-destruction
• Developing and implementing appropriate marketing strategies and metrics

Theme 2 Responsible Marketing
• Ethics and Sustainability in a marketing context
• Responsible Marketing strategies and Sustainable Development Goals
• Sustainable Consumer Behaviour and Ethical Consumerism
• Sustainability, Ethics and New Media
• The Future of Sustainability and Responsible Marketing

On completing the module, you will be able to critically evaluate the usefulness of marketing knowledge in the context of responsible business and sustainable consumer behaviour and apply theory to develop appropriate marketing strategies. You will also develop the skills required for effective Integration of learning from marketing and other business areas into a plan for solving business problems.

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MK9629 -

Digital and Data Driven Marketing (Core,20 Credits)

This module is designed to develop your skills in understanding how one-to-one forms of marketing communications, across offline and online channels, can be combined into an overall campaign to generate new customers and enhance existing relationships. To do this, the module is broken into three distinct themes:

• Principles of Direct and Digital Marketing: In this part of the module you will cover the fundamental practices in the direct marketing field, which will include acquisition and retention strategies, customer profiling and segmentation, database marketing, permission marketing and personalisation, relevant legislation and campaign testing.
• Digital Media: In this section you will explore the range of communications media available, ranging from traditional offline channels (such as direct mail and telemarketing) through to the ever-growing range of digital media options (including social media, email, web design and mobile commerce).
• Campaign Planning: Here you will be introduced to the principles of campaign design, from initial context analysis and goal setting through to campaign implementation and evaluation. You will be encouraged to combine different marketing communications tools as part of an integrated campaign and consider campsign budgeting and measurement.

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NX9624 -

Management Enquiry (Optional,40 Credits)

The Management Enquiry module is a student-led individual project that enables you to undertake a significant piece of assessed work commensurate with a capstone module. The module aims to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate an authentic engagement with managers and/or professionals in your discipline, and to integrate the knowledge you have developed during your programme to explore the theory in practice. The learning on this module is experiential and problem based, where the focus is upon you discovering, probing and questioning key practice-based issues. Through the module you will be offered the opportunity to develop and enhance key transferable employability skills including; time management, project management, communication (written, aural and verbal), negotiation, persuasion and influence, discovery, initiative, problem-solving and analysis.

The module has five thematic areas; explore, review, engage, reflect and connect. These form the key elements of the assessed submission.

Part A (35%, 3,500 Words)
• Explore: Interviewing a manager and/or professional in your discipline. In this interview you will either explore a key issue which you feel the discipline is facing or, alternatively, explore with the manager or professional the key issues that they feel they are facing in practice. It is expected that you will apply appropriate interview methods and provide evidence of the interview within the submitted enquiry report (e.g. within the appendices).
• Review: Critically examining the appropriate literature to support the exploration, displaying an ability to critically assess and appraise the knowledge of your discipline related to a specific key issue arising from your exploration.

Part B (65%, 6,500 Words)
• Engage: Displaying an authentic engagement with the discipline problem/issue identified in Part A, by collecting/generating and analysing further live data (beyond the initial interview) regarding the discipline problem/issue. This live data may be primary data (e.g. further interviews with, or questionnaire to, managers and/or professionals in practice) or secondary data (e.g. industry data). Application of appropriate, ethically-considered, research methods and appropriate qualitative or quantitative data analysis.
• Reflect and Connect: Demonstrating an ability to critically evaluate and reflect on the issues arising from the Management Enquiry. Demonstrating how you have connected and fed-back to the participants of the Enquiry (usually the manager and/or participants) your key findings to provide clear prioritised, well-justified, practical and actionable recommendations for change/enhancement/improvement to existing practice to show how the recommendations would potentially affect workplace professional decision making.

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NX9625 -

Dissertation (Optional,40 Credits)

The dissertation module aims to equip you with the necessary intellectual and practical skills for undertaking an individual student-led, ethical investigation into an applied business (or the named degree) problem or issue. In addition, the dissertation aims to equip you with key transferable, employability skills, including: time management, project management, communication (written and verbal), negotiation, persuasion and influence, discovery, initiative, creativity and innovation in problem-solving, analysis.

The module is student-led but you are supported by, initially, weekly lectures and seminar-workshops which provide an introduction to undertaking Business-Management research followed by one-to-one or small-group supervision meetings.
The lectures and seminar-workshops will cover the following topics:
1. Developing a research aim/question (focusing and scoping the research)
2. Developing a literature review
3. Writing a research proposal
4. Researching ethically
5. Quantitative research techniques
6. Qualitative research techniques
7. Quantitative analysis techniques
8. Qualitative analysis techniques

Upon completion of the module you will be able to:
1. Conduct independent and ethical academic research involving the application and critical evaluation of appropriate theories and models,
2. Engage critically with relevant literature to establish a framework in which to analyse and synthesise the results of your primary or secondary research
3. Generate / collect relevant primary or secondary data using an appropriate and justified method
4. Analyse your data using an appropriate and justified method of analysis
5. Recognise the ethical implications of your work
6. Critically evaluate the source of your data and the method you adopted

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NX9626 -

Undergraduate Consultancy Project (Optional,40 Credits)

The module aims to provide you with an opportunity to integrate the knowledge acquired during the programme and apply this to a consultancy project for a real organisation. This consultancy project provides a vehicle for participants to develop and demonstrate key employability skills, to relate theory to practice, and to undertake a significant piece of assessed work commensurate with a capstone module.

You will work on behalf of an external organisation, which has identified a business problem or question, requiring a solution, working in small group of typically 4 individuals (you will select their own team members), participating in group and individual activities. The host organisation will provide a project briefing, and review; students will be supported by appropriate academic input and guidance from Newcastle Business School in the form of a mentor and via the Business Clinic.

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SM9689 -

Responsible Strategy (Core,20 Credits)

In this module you will learn about the context of responsible strategic thinking, how to identify and explore sustainable business opportunities as a source of competitive advantage. You will gain an appreciation of the overarching principles of setting and executing a responsible and sustainable organisational strategy. Within the setting of these strategic objectives, you will understand how the associated responsible decision making will impact on both internal and external stakeholders. Your learning will span across private and public sector organisations, MNEs and SMEs and how each of different organisations and industries interact with the responsible and sustainable business opportunities and challenges.

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Global Business Management (Marketing) BSc (Hons) - Completion Award

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