How will I learn during this Sport foundation year course?
Through links with Northumbria Sport, you have the opportunity to undertake volunteering and to experience a range of practical sports. The programme allows you to gain knowledge and competence in key themes within sport to support you in vocational roles, and to help you to decide which undergraduate degree is best for you.
The programme is also in line with the University’s mission to offer opportunity, relevance and enhanced employability in sport through innovative and challenging learning and teaching.
This year-long course comprises two semesters (September - December and January – May) and six modules. Modules, which are varied in content and teaching style, include ‘Essential Skills for Studying Sport’ and ‘Volunteering in Sport’.
Whilst the majority of the course content will be taught in a traditional classroom setting, students will receive around 30 hours of practical teaching in a variety of settings, including the state-of-the-art Sports Central.
We also invite guest speakers who currently work in industry to pass on their knowledge, advice and wisdom to you. They’ll also give you a real-life case study, which you’ll need to resolve in real-time, giving you a taste of your future career in sport.