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Tutor Profiles

Our students learn from the best – inspirational academic staff with a genuine passion for their subject. Our courses are at the forefront of current knowledge and practice and are shaped by world-leading and internationally excellent research.

Our History team covers a wide range of teaching and research specialisms. The historians at Northumbria University have an international research profile, and the last UK-wide research assessment ranked their publications within the country’s top 20. Moreover, they are committed to supporting our students through dynamic teaching and a commitment to personal support.

Here is a selection of the colleagues who teach on the History programme.

Our People

All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Charlotte Alston
a man sitting at a desk with a laptop and smiling at the camera
Jennifer Aston
Waitman Beorn
Carlos Conde Solares
Elsa Devienne
Lara Douds
a woman wearing glasses and smiling at the camera
David Gleeson
a woman wearing a blue shirt
Joseph Hardwick
Peter Hill
a man looking at the camera
ADSS Andrea Knox Facultystaff 255
a close up of a girl smiling for the camera
Daniel Laqua
a man wearing a suit and tie
Tim Livsey
James McConnel
Neil Murphy
Laura O'Brien
Connal Parr
Linsey Robb

Dr Joe Street

Associate Professor

Northumbria School of Design, Arts and Creative Industries

Avram Taylor
Brian Ward
Leona Watson
Tony Webster
Dominic Williams
Julian Wright
Rebecca Wright

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