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Dan Gray

Real Estate

Real Estate Bsc Student Dangary 255Where are you from?


Why did you choose Northumbria University, Newcastle?

It was recognised as a good university for my course and the university had been recommended to me.

What has surprised you most about living in Newcastle and this region? What has impressed you most?

The city itself isn't that big, which is a good. There is everything you need and want in Newcastle with everything being within a short proximity of each other.

Did you find Northumbria University welcoming? Was it easy to fit in?

Yes very - Freshers helps!

What have you enjoyed most about coming to Northumbria University?

The amount of people I have got to know and also how interesting the course I am doing is.

Who has helped you most since you came to Northumbria?

The tutors have been very helpful when struggling with work.

Who has inspired you most at Northumbria University?

A culmination of everyone at university has inspired me to be successful.

What is your favourite place on campus?

The Students' Union.

What are the most valuable lessons you have learnt to date?

To attend as many lectures and seminars as possible to keep up to date with work and assignments.

What do you want to do in the future? What skills have you learned/improved that you think will be of most use in your future career?

In the future, I hope to become a professional Real Estate Surveyor. The skills I have learnt in terms of becoming one, are the most important.

Have you worked on any projects with businesses or been on a placement? What were your most memorable experiences?

Not as yet, this takes place in the third year of my course.

Have you taken up any opportunities to travel with your current course/undertake field trips? If so, please tell us about them.

Not as yet, but the course have planned a trip to London at the start of next year, which I will definitely attend.

If you could offer some advice to students thinking of coming to study here what would you say?

If you want to come to a university with a philosophy of work hard, play hard - then this is the one for you.

How do you feel you have changed as a person since being at Northumbria University, Newcastle (e.g. confidence)?

I feel I have developed, not only in a learning manner but also as a person. I am more confident and an even better chef.

If you had 3 words to sum up your time with us what would they be?

Fun, helpful and useful.

Would you recommend Northumbria University to a friend?

Yes 100%!


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