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Dr Liz Renner


Department: Psychology

Liz Renner

  • Please visit the Pure Research Information Portal for further information
  • Contagious Crying Revisited: A Cross‐Cultural Investigation Into Infant Emotion Contagion Using Infrared Thermal Imaging, Vreden, C., Renner, E., Ainamani, H., Crowther, R., Forward, B., Mazari, S., Tuohy, G., Ndyareeba, E., Clay, Z. 14 Jan 2025, In: Developmental Science
  • Are there dedicated neural mechanisms for imitation? A study of grist and mills, Renner, E., Xie, Y., Subiaul, F., Hamilton, A. 26 Sep 2023, In: PLoS One
  • Capuchin monkeys learn to use information equally well from individual exploration and social demonstration, Kean, D., Renner, E., Atkinson, M., Caldwell, C. 1 Mar 2023, In: Animal Cognition
  • Fetching felines: a survey of cat owners on the diversity of cat (Felis catus) fetching behaviour, Forman, J., Renner, E., Leavens, D. 14 Dec 2023, In: Scientific Reports
  • Children transition from simple associations to explicitly reasoned social learning strategies between age four and eight, Blakey, K., Renner, E., Atkinson, M., Rafetseder, E., Caldwell, C. 23 Mar 2022, In: Scientific Reports
  • Restricted Access to Working Memory Does Not Prevent Cumulative Score Improvement in a Cultural Evolution Task, Dunstone, J., Atkinson, M., Renner, E., Caldwell, C. 24 Feb 2022, In: Entropy
  • Taking account of others’ goals in social information use: Developmental changes in 3- to 7-year-old children, Blakey, K., Atkinson, M., Rafetseder, E., Renner, E., Caldwell, C. 1 Mar 2022, In: Journal of Experimental Child Psychology
  • Adaptation of the Missing Scan Task to a touchscreen format for assessing working memory capacity in children, Renner, E., Somai, R., Van der Stigchel, S., Campbell, C., Kean, D., Caldwell, C. 1 Nov 2021, In: Infant and Child Development
  • Cognitive prerequisites for cumulative culture are context-dependent: Children's potential for ratcheting depends on cue longevity, Wilks, C., Rafetseder, E., Renner, E., Atkinson, M., Caldwell, C. 1 Apr 2021, In: Journal of Experimental Child Psychology
  • Development of strategic social information seeking: Implications for cumulative culture, Blakey, K., Rafetsederi, E., Atkinson, M., Renner, E., Cowan-Forsythe, F., Sati, S., Caldwell, C. 24 Aug 2021, In: PLoS One

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