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Previous Conferences and Proceedings

Below you will find proceedings from all previous DeSForM conference events.

DeSForM 2019

In recent decades, design has faced great challenges and profound transformations. Its traditional approach to crafting and shaping the tangible world has been revolutionized by the way this very world has changed, becoming infused with digital technologies that have made it smarter, more interactive, and more connected. Recent technological developments have generated even more rapid and extreme changes. The emergence of AI, machine learning, flexible electronics, miniaturized and implantable sensors, and hybrid synthetic- biological materials have not only provided designers with new design ingredients, but also generated new cultural and social landscapes in which they must design.

This edition of the DeSForM conference explored the implications of these recent and emerging technological transformations in the practice of design, with a particular focus on the aesthetics and human experience of these new systems. Designing beyond intelligence means that the design of such advanced and smart ecosystems should consider issues beyond mere algorithmic thinking and functionality. Scholars in the design field should start reflecting on the connections and mutual relations between the performance of these intelligent ecosystems and their physical appearances, aesthetics, interaction modalities, and personalities. In doing so, they will be able to address the design of ecosystemic user experiences.

To access a digital copy of the proceedings, please click here.


DeSForM 2017

This year we celebrated the 10th edition of the DeSForM conference series. In 2005 DeSForM was born in (Eindhoven) the Netherlands with the premise of creating meaning through objects, interactions and people. Over the years, the DeSForM community has explored and designed objects through a multisensorial approach always aiming at enriching users’ experiences with them. Throughout previous editions we have seen the development from digital and mechanical objects that had enriched sensorial presence to adaptive and intelligent objects that feel almost analogous to reality given their increased information processing power and sensory resolution. These are thanks to the recent developments in the material sciences, robotics, information and sensor technology, and improved production techniques. Consider for example developments in wearables and embedded or computational materials. Consequently, the arena that belongs to design researchers and practitioners has gotten more sophisticated by being more technical, but also raises new questions regarding the effect and the impact of the new technologically rich designs. In 2017, DeSForM returned to its place of birth, opening up to a broader audience with deeper insights to debate about the future of dynamic “form” giving and its effects on people and their environment

For more information about the 2017 proceedings click here.


DeSForM 2015

front cover of Desform 2015 proceedingsDeSForM 2015 - Aesthetics of Interaction: Dynamic, Multisensory, Wise was held in to Milan. DeSForM 2015 addressed design challenges, theories and practices tied to the design of interactive experiences mediated by technology-affected artefacts. DeSForM 2015 explored this issue by three main lines of application: dynamic and smart tangible artefacts, multisensory virtualization of product experience, wise digital interactive experiences and services. The three topics of DeSForM 2015 mainly focused on the exploration of the cognitive and interactive processes activated by design artefacts, in which the technological component – intended in a broad sense  - is employed by the designer as a mediator to enrich and enhance the experience of reality and information at different levels.

Download a copy of the 2015 proceedings by clicking on proceedings cover.


DeSForM 2013

Desform Proceedings 2013DeSForM 2013 was held in to China, where the making has been happening and innovation is landing. The School of Digital Media of Jiangnan University was honored to host the 8th international conference on Design and Semantics of Form and Movement.

Download a copy of the 2013 proceedings by clicking on proceedings cover.





DeSForM 2012

Desform Proceedings 2012DeSForM 2012: MEANING.MATTER.MAKING was pleased to welcome a diverse community of practice-led researchers and research-led practitioners from academia and industry, as well as representatives from the many disciplines, perspectives and interpretations integral to the design and semantics of form and movement. Design semantics – or the making of meaning through ‘matter’ – is of increasing relevance to the practice of design in the twenty-first century.

Download a copy of the 2013 proceedings by clicking on proceedings cover.


DeSForM 2010

Desform Proceedings 2010DeSForM 2010 was held by The Faculty of Design of Lucerne School of Art and Design in Lucerne, Switzerland. In line with former DeSForM workshops, the intention of this DeSForM workshop was to continue and deepen the lively discussion on design and semantics. The role of design in society is becoming more and more important. Forms, either concrete or abstract always carry meanings and it is the responsibility of design to make good use of these meanings and to keep track of how meanings change over time and among various culture groups. Beside papers from an academic background that explore theoretical foundations of semantics from a design perspective, DeSForM 2010 aimed to highlight specific fields and topics such as design semantics in the context of so-called glocalization, innovation, sustainability, and branding. Papers addressing these fields clearly show relevance to design practice and application and should link academia, professional designers and industry together.

Download a copy of the 2010 proceedings by clicking on proceedings cover.


DeSForM 2009

Desform Proceedings 2009In 2009 the College of Design at National Taiwan University of Science and Technology and the INSIGHT Center (INnovation and Synergy for IntelliGent Home Technology) at National Taiwan University jointly hosted the 5th DeSForM workshop in Taipei, the capital city of Taiwan.

By going global in 2009, DeSForM seeked to expand the platform to encompass participants from the East and the West, and to look further into the cultural influences on object forms and movements. In coming to Taipei, DeSForM encouraged reflection on the challenges faced by Asian designers and, in particular, Taiwan designers stemming from the pursuit of their own design languages and identity as the region worked to transform itself from a manufacturing-based to an innovation-based economy.

Download a copy of the 2009 proceedings by clicking on proceedings cover.


DeSForM 2008

Desform Proceedings 2008In 2008 The University of Arts and Design (Hochschule für Gestaltung) hosted the fourth DeSForM workshop in Offenbach am Main, Germany.

The fourth DeSForM workshop continued the discussions of the former workshops. Themes of the discussions included interaction design, the importance of narratives or the role of material in design processes and especially the question of the semantics of objects.

Download a copy of the 2008 proceedings by clicking on proceedings cover.


DeSForM 2007

Desform Proceedings 2007In 2007 Northumbria University hosted the third DeSForM in it's, then, newly opened School of Design located on City Campus East, which connects the east of the city of Newcastle, including the riverside area of Gateshead Quays, the Baltic and the Sage Music Centre, with its universities and learning heartland.

Being the third DeSForM Conference and a return to Newcastle, gave the
opportunity to do a brief retrospection of the journeys our research and debates already covered at the previous DeSForM events.

Download a copy of the 2007 proceedings by clicking on proceedings cover.


DeSForM 2006

Desform Proceedings 2006In 2006 DeSForM was welcomed to the beautiful Evoluon Building in Eindhoven.

This second DeSForM conference aimed to raise the debate around how do we as designers communicate or mediate the “ideas” as well as information and functions and how do we enable people to perceive these intentions as they encounter and absorb the ‘things’ we design together into our everyday lives. We now have a much broader pallette of channels of expression available to us and our multiple senses, which we have to explore more rigorously.

Download a copy of the 2006 proceedings by clicking on proceedings cover.


DeSForM 2005

Desform Proceedings 2005In 2005 DeSForM was launched, Initiated by the new Industrial Design Department at Eindhoven, Philips Design, and The School of Design of Northumbria University, under auspices of IFIP and the JF Schouten Research School and with support of Philips Design, Codeworks, the Design Research Society, TU/e and Northumbria University.

DesForm was the first international conference that sought to present research into the nature, character and behavior of the emerging new typologies of co-designed, content rich, connected and intellegent objects with adaptive systems. DeSForM brought together researchers in the field of design and semantics of forms and movement to asses the outcomes of this research and begin to identify issues and territorities for future investigation and exploration.

Download a copy of the 2005 proceedings by clicking on proceedings cover.

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